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  • Compositing

    I have an interior scene and Im pre-calcing the static objects (nonmoving) and I want to composite the Phoenix elements on top. Plan to use BF and LC for my GI. The main issue Im expecting to encounter is:

    The reflections and glow will not show up on the static elements. So, Is it possible to render the reflection pass and light glow from the fire separately? If not, how would you suggest I get these elements together?

    I must pre-calc the static items because of render times, and I may want to change the look and flow of the fire later, so I think its best to make the fire separate. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    I'm not sure why I haven't had support on this issue yet, I apologize for my insolence. Maybe I should rephrase the question...

    How would you render a scene with Phoenix FD, if you had a complicated background scene that took too long to render with Bruteforce and Lightcache with Phoenix FD? Would you composite the fire from Phoenix? Or would you render them all together?

    And yes, I did try lowering the settings for my image sampler, noise threshold, and GI, but I still had high rendertimes with Bruteforce and Lightcache... Any suggestion on how you would handle this situation would be great.


    • #3
      unfortunately the GI can't be switched off for phoenix only (the answer of the other question) and if it's too slow to render the fire with GI the compositing remains the only solution i think. but still remains the question about the illuminance caused by the fire. tomorrow i will try to find some solution.
      VRScans developer


      • #4

        Thank you for replying. This information helps. I will also continue to try and find a compositing solution.

