There seems to be a bug in Phoenix regarding GI as I have a scene that Keeps sending the GI [either LC or IRRAD] into a never ending gi calculation.
Light Cache would just keep getting larger render time & not update & the Irradiance map [I tried both Localy & DR ] was having random machines stuck on random buckets that never finished
If the Render is cancelled the Gi still trys to calculate away and when you try to close max it crashes.
I spent 2 hours trying differnt GI settings & nothing fixed it.
If i turned off phoenix it rendered fine.
I am only a new user so I am unsure as to what is causing it ...needless to say that it was finally solved by turning on the VRAY -Geometry-mode in the rendering section.
[Note** For my fire I was using the merged phoenix setup/objects from the sample sceneBurning plane]
I have seen exactlly the same thing happen to GI in other scenes ages ago in earlier service packs of Vray befor phoenix so it may be a know issue that phoenix has re-triggered
Hope this helps
There seems to be a bug in Phoenix regarding GI as I have a scene that Keeps sending the GI [either LC or IRRAD] into a never ending gi calculation.
Light Cache would just keep getting larger render time & not update & the Irradiance map [I tried both Localy & DR ] was having random machines stuck on random buckets that never finished
If the Render is cancelled the Gi still trys to calculate away and when you try to close max it crashes.
I spent 2 hours trying differnt GI settings & nothing fixed it.
If i turned off phoenix it rendered fine.
I am only a new user so I am unsure as to what is causing it ...needless to say that it was finally solved by turning on the VRAY -Geometry-mode in the rendering section.
[Note** For my fire I was using the merged phoenix setup/objects from the sample sceneBurning plane]
I have seen exactlly the same thing happen to GI in other scenes ages ago in earlier service packs of Vray befor phoenix so it may be a know issue that phoenix has re-triggered
Hope this helps