I set up a scene with a Pflow as source with a UDeflector for my particles to bounce on a cube. But even if I don't let the particles live long enough to reach the cube the smoke emitted using the particle system won't collide with the cube. So no interaction at all as long as I had the UDeflector in the scene. As soon as I deleted it (hence removing it from the Phenix simulation) the Phoenix simulation interacted as normal.
I set up a scene with a Pflow as source with a UDeflector for my particles to bounce on a cube. But even if I don't let the particles live long enough to reach the cube the smoke emitted using the particle system won't collide with the cube. So no interaction at all as long as I had the UDeflector in the scene. As soon as I deleted it (hence removing it from the Phenix simulation) the Phoenix simulation interacted as normal.