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Splashes from source occuring, instead of on hit only

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  • Splashes from source occuring, instead of on hit only

    Hello, I am new to Phoenix and so this may be a simple question, but is there a way to remove splashes from the original source, and only have them on hit? I get that I can use the birth threshold to control when they occur, but it seems for me that they tend to come from the source no matter when on my current system. I have included a screenshot.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SplashSource.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	61.2 KB
ID:	877480

    Is there a good way to prevent this? Am I being too anal? Maybe I just set it up wrong?


  • #2
    I've noticed that this mostly only happens at the beginning of a sim. If I let it run long enough it seems that it mostly goes away, so there must be some sort of initial turbulence or what have you to get the systems started. I can totally work around this but some confirmation would be awesome.



    • #3
      For me it looks like quite low threshold value which might create unwanted splashes at the beginning?
      First idea could be using very low birth value and test different thresholds and when you have desired result, just increase birth value to get as much splashes as wanted.


      • #4
        yes, this is controllable by the threshold, however the birth algo of the official release has this problem and it was solved later in the nightlies.
        VRScans developer

