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How to avoid square shaped pattern in fire ?

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  • How to avoid square shaped pattern in fire ?


    I got a pattern in my renderings which is dependent to the cell size. How can I avoid this ? I used the "burning plane" sample file and just changed the source emitter.

    Best regards
    Attached Files

  • #2
    modify the luminance diagram to have low emission at the temperature of the source.
    here are two screenshots, one with the default settings, the next one with modified emission curve. note that the emission curve is attenuated at temperature 200, which is the source temperature
    Attached Files
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks for answernig, but the problem still remains after reducing the luminance at the source temperature.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        could you attach the scene?
        VRScans developer


        • #5

          I just sent you a private message with a link


          • #6
            ok, here is the explanation:
            when a very sharp rendering diagram is used (like in your case) in combination with transparent or hidden source , the inside cells are visible as cubes, because there are no simulation inside the body, and the hot cells of the surface are in direct contact with the cool cells inside. in the most cases this is not a problem because the body is rendered and hides the cubes (for details see here).
            if the body is transparent, i recommend to use inscribed voxel mode and to use gizmo to cut off the inside part. however your geometry is open, this is a very bad case, because the inscribed mode will skip it. so, my solution was to use shell operator to make it thick enough, use inscribed voxel mode and use the geometry as render gizmo. you can see the result in the attachment, there are still visible grid tracks, but the biggest part is gone.
            Attached Files
            VRScans developer


            • #7
              Hi Ivanylo,

              thanks a lot for the explanation, but I don`t have the options "Object Voxels" and "Render Gizmo" in my Menu. Do I have the upgrade my Phoenix fd license ? I still use Version 1.20 .

              Best regards


              • #8
                yes, they are introduced in 2.0
                VRScans developer

