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groving foam...

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  • groving foam...

    Hi Ivanov & co.,

    i tried to get the foam over the border of the glass, but when i increase the foam size the same one go trough the glass geometry.

    Is there another way to get that?

    Here there is a small movie about the result.

    Birth rate 3000
    size 0.120
    distribution 300
    B2B 6000
    Rising Limit 8
    Falling Limit 20
    Attached Files

  • #2

    the foam is on Resimulation.


    • #3
      Fleeing foams can be cut with gizmo in foam helper.

      Is it simulated in real world size? Glass is something like 20 cm tall?
      I might try to make the simulation in a bit bigger scale to avoid this behavior, although not sure is it helping in anyway.


      • #4
        Thanks Tommi,

        the simulation is real world size and about the liquid i'm quiet satisfied,
        the point is to let rise all foam on top of liquid (beer look).


        • #5
          Ok, if I remember right, with the default foam values if you just increase rising limit the foam should go up as wanted. I like to play with the numbers at the same time when resimulating to find the right setup.


          • #6
            You have very thin walls on this scene and you may have a leaking problems. Try to resimulate with inscribed voxels or make the glass thicker.
            V-Ray/PhoenixFD for Maya developer


            • #7
              Now with thicker glass is fine and foam rise till the top of the glass.

              The point is to let rise the foam quiet high i rise the limit to 8 (falling limit 20)
              and with this value the foam itself is less compact, i mean looks a bit foam in the bath...
              When the rising limit is around 2 the foam is fine but can not rise so much.

              Some suggestion?


              • #8
                you mean when the rise speed is good the foam volume is not enough?
                if is like this, the b2b interaction may help you
                VRScans developer


                • #9
                  Yes i go to try with B2B (right now is 6000)

                  This is the foam i said, and also you can see the liquid "bounce" at the end of animation...
                  I just animate the viscosity from 0 to 0.1 in 30 frames.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    you mean the bouncing is related to the viscosity? btw if you are using the nightlies, the residual movement that was a problem in the official 2.0 is no longer existing and the viscosity can be skipped.
                    for me it looks like spf issue, the spf is too low or is changing.
                    VRScans developer


                    • #11
                      i just test with last nightlies and wow the foam goes direct out of glass in 10 frames!
                      Are the Rising and Falling Limit different from the official version?
                      In the Simulation (Material transfer) now there is only spf instead of 3 parameters, what is the correspondence with those?...

