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gpu preview resolution?

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  • gpu preview resolution?

    i'm gonna have to make some clouds, i'm currently on nightly build and have tried the old example scene and paul's scene from here

    none of them renders very well, the example don't render at all and paul's scene looks dark, however the gpu preview looks excellent, is there a way to make larger previews?

  • #2
    there is no way to specify the size in numbers, just expand the preview window
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      hmm, can't expand enough. what exactly is going on behind the gpu preview? are there only vray settings needed to duplicate the results? or do phoenix have to be adjusted as well? GI? what is needed to match the gpu preview with a render?

      my results are really different :
      Click image for larger version

Name:	cloudrender.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	27.7 KB
ID:	851034


      • #4
        well, it seems like you have wrong light settings.
        the GPU just uses the color of the light put in the light slot, it does not check it's detailed settings. it seems to be disabled, the second image shows that.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          One more thing - if you're using the clouds example scene, the light's shadows must be changed to vrayshadow, instead of ray-traced. Also, try to set the render mode to atmospheric and check your gamma settings.
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            ahyes, it was lit lit with a vraylight, that didn't seem to work, replaced it with a regular omni and things are better now. thanks

            can the effect from the self illumnate button from gpu preview be transferred to render somehow?

            ....and no, i'm using paul's scene (link above) as the cloud example didn't render at all, but i want to try more approaches so i'll try the example again with your settings, thanks svetlin
            Last edited by kimgar; 11-12-2013, 04:09 AM.


            • #7
              Hmm, yes - since the example is quite old, some settings have been outdated and you need to do that stuff above to get it working again

              You can get the self-illumination render time from the Colors and Transparency -> Fire -> Light: Self-Shadowing = Grid-Based. You may set the Grid Reduction % to something like 10% or less to speed it up, at the expense of some detail.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                how do i control the intensity of self shadowing? i set it based on smoke and grid based, tried reducing all the power/multipliers but get ultra over exposed results.
                any suggestions?


                • #9
                  The emissive multiplier above the diagram should do it. You can also try with the diagram itself. Also, try with and without "Ignore Alpha" - without it it's about a 100 times brighter.

                  Beware that the power/radius multipliers are controlling the light that is cast on the surrounding geometry, not on itself.
                  Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                  • #10
                    hoy, emissive multiplier at 0.0001 is working, i got some tweaking to do

                    thanks for the pointers

