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Phoenix FD 2.1 Ocean simulation area problem

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  • Phoenix FD 2.1 Ocean simulation area problem

    Hi I'm having issues on random frames where the simulation areas mesh disappears or corrupts like the attached render. Sometimes areas completely disappear in the outer ocean area, or nothing renders. Any ideas what the cause may be, or fixes? The sim and show mesh feature is fine in the view-port before rendering this frame; however after rendering this frame, the view-port mesh looks like the render.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    yes, the automatic simulator-ocean blending is very complicated task and perhaps shares above 90% of the all the mesher bugs fixed in the last year.
    it's still not officially announced, but the 2.2 builds are available for public download, try to render the same simulation with them and tell me if the problem persists
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Cheers Ivaylo, I installed the 2.2 update and it fixed the problem, it also looks much better and is rendering faster too!


      • #4
        glad to read that
        VRScans developer

