I found the problem!
I think it is only related to RPmanager.
For whatever reason when I created a phoenixFD object, the athmospheric effects got deactivated by Rpmanager in the Athm+Effects tab. It was activated in the max dialog but deactivated in rpmanager. And I just learned that the implicit surface need that effect to be activated while the mesh mode does not need it.
I still don't understand why it was not rendering on the farm though. I will test that right now.
Also I was using a maxstart with an RPMnager already in it. It seems the athm effects got deactivated only with that pass. If I started from scratch without that maxstart first being loaded the bug did not occured.
I will have to create a phoenix athmos effects and save it in my maxstart scene.
I think it is only related to RPmanager.
For whatever reason when I created a phoenixFD object, the athmospheric effects got deactivated by Rpmanager in the Athm+Effects tab. It was activated in the max dialog but deactivated in rpmanager. And I just learned that the implicit surface need that effect to be activated while the mesh mode does not need it.
I still don't understand why it was not rendering on the farm though. I will test that right now.
Also I was using a maxstart with an RPMnager already in it. It seems the athm effects got deactivated only with that pass. If I started from scratch without that maxstart first being loaded the bug did not occured.
I will have to create a phoenix athmos effects and save it in my maxstart scene.