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Particles acting as force/velocity on Phoneix simulation

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  • Particles acting as force/velocity on Phoneix simulation

    I know I can have particles follow the Phoenix simulation, but is there a way to do the opposite? To use particles to loosely force the direction and velocity of a Phoenix simulation? Kind of how you can use Attract liquid and smoke with a mesh object to attract smoke/fluids (which doesn't seem to work with particles).

  • #2
    you mean to attract the fluid toward the particles? since two months the particles can be turned into solid state and to behave as solid object, this must make them available for attract force. but if you need just to make the fluid to be involved into the particles movement, then put them as target of a source object and deselect all the channels except the velocity.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thank you! I never thought of using a separate source for controlling velocity. I think that'll do for what I'm trying to accomplish.

      Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
      since two months the particles can be turned into solid state and to behave as solid object, this must make them available for attract force.
      I'm a little confused on this part. The latest build I'm seeing in our downloads is from May '14, nothing from two months ago. Are you speaking of nightly builds that would have been released with that feature? I tried checking that the particle system is solid from the Phoenix properties, and cranking up the attraction, but that didn't seem to do anything.


      • #4
        yes, ask for nightly access if you need this feature
        VRScans developer

