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Wetting grid artifacts in mesh

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  • Wetting grid artifacts in mesh

    Hi everyone.

    I am having a problem with the mesh showing artifacts in the wetting areas of the fluid on a transparent glass. I tried the tips and tricks suggestion of using a Boolean operator, but all combinations of subtraction/cut etc just hides my mesh completely. The scale size of the glass is approx. 2 feet. The cell size is approx. 6/32" which totals 14 mil cells. The glass geometry is clean quads. The liquid settings are sharpness .9, viscosity 0, new-tonian 0, surface tension .2, drying time .5 I've tried with strong surface mode turned on and off, results are the same.

    The rendering settings are isosurface level .01, mesh smooth 4.

    Dynamics are smooth conservation, quality 30.
    Method transfer = class, 8 steps per frame.

    Any ideas or other screenshots required to diagnose a solution to smooth wetting?

    Thanks, Curtis.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	wetting geo.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	284.9 KB
ID:	881847

  • #2
    set the isosurface to 0.5, the rendering method to implicit and set the glass as rendering gizmo.
    you can use the beer sample scene as reference, it does exactly the same
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks Ivaylo. Your suggestions led me to experiment and find solutions. To see the outcome, this thread holds some examples.

