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Foam vs VRayZDepth
still white zones are existing, in the ideal case the foam must disappear in the z pass, because is near to the liquid z value.
but the z pass of transparent objects is an illusion, my suggestion is to get the z pass by second render, with foam and all the lighting switched off.______________________________________________
VRScans developer
Yep undefined became different off-Z. I was hoping to get everything in one pass to save some rendertime.
"Updating Object PhoenixFD" takes 40 seconds in this scene; ... that is not so super long but adds up. I will find some other elements to add in so it makes more sense to render an additional utility-pass.
Thanks.Kind regards, Wolf S./K.
you can try some tricks. return the foam in atmosphere mode (it's z pass is not needed), and try to remove the black zones. i think the black areas appear because vray skips the rendering of the geometry, considering it fully invisible. there is an option "transp cutt off" perhaps it can solve the problem, if you set it to zero. just a suggestion, never tried this______________________________________________
VRScans developer
Didn't get that to work.
But if someone wants to render out clean Z- and whatever-Elements with Foam, set it's Refraction Index to the max (10) in Geo-mode and it will give proper results (except a nice beauty-pass :P )Kind regards, Wolf S./K.