I'm trying to resimulate an explosion to slow it down with a 0.2 factor. I also add a bit of wavelet and 3x more resolution. But my problem is that the fire disapear very fast with the resim. In my original sim there is a huge ball of fire that lasts almost 200 frames. In the resim, it lasts only a few frame at the beginning and then we see only smoke. Should I remove the cooling or something when resimulating I thought we should not change any dynamic parameters when slowing down...?
I'm trying to resimulate an explosion to slow it down with a 0.2 factor. I also add a bit of wavelet and 3x more resolution. But my problem is that the fire disapear very fast with the resim. In my original sim there is a huge ball of fire that lasts almost 200 frames. In the resim, it lasts only a few frame at the beginning and then we see only smoke. Should I remove the cooling or something when resimulating I thought we should not change any dynamic parameters when slowing down...?