Hi All,
I'm back using Phoenix now after a few months so am trying to get used to the new workflow with Nightly build version 2.25.01
Using the new PhoenixFDLiquid001 simulator (rather than enabling 'liquids' in the official build) with Liquid source PHXSource001.
My first question --- is the liquid specific simulator based on the FLIP solver? - I can only see FLIP in the Advection method options in the new 'FireSmokeSim' PhoenixFDFire001
The reason for my question is that I used to render liquid particles (generated from the standard / universal grid simulator) by using PHXFoam, with the liquid particles set to 'splashes' mode. I found that it gave a smoother result than rendering the grid cells using the 'mesh' mode.
With the new setup in ver 2.25.01 what is the best way in practice to acheive a smooth surface on the liquid surface? (I am currently rendering the PhoenixFDLiquid001 in Mesh mode using particles to smooth the result but it's a but 'wobbly')
Thanks for any help!
I'm back using Phoenix now after a few months so am trying to get used to the new workflow with Nightly build version 2.25.01
Using the new PhoenixFDLiquid001 simulator (rather than enabling 'liquids' in the official build) with Liquid source PHXSource001.
My first question --- is the liquid specific simulator based on the FLIP solver? - I can only see FLIP in the Advection method options in the new 'FireSmokeSim' PhoenixFDFire001
The reason for my question is that I used to render liquid particles (generated from the standard / universal grid simulator) by using PHXFoam, with the liquid particles set to 'splashes' mode. I found that it gave a smoother result than rendering the grid cells using the 'mesh' mode.
With the new setup in ver 2.25.01 what is the best way in practice to acheive a smooth surface on the liquid surface? (I am currently rendering the PhoenixFDLiquid001 in Mesh mode using particles to smooth the result but it's a but 'wobbly')
Thanks for any help!