Hey guys,
Snagged a nightly a few days ago and now I'm unable to pre-fill geometry using the PhoenixFD Mapper technique listed on the Tips n' Tricks page.
Version 2.25.01
Build ID: 1608036879
I have followed the steps three times now and still cannot get a mesh/geometry to be filled in this method. Maybe I'm missing a step? Or something else has changed?
Sample File here:
Snagged a nightly a few days ago and now I'm unable to pre-fill geometry using the PhoenixFD Mapper technique listed on the Tips n' Tricks page.
Version 2.25.01
Build ID: 1608036879
I have followed the steps three times now and still cannot get a mesh/geometry to be filled in this method. Maybe I'm missing a step? Or something else has changed?
- Place simulator and source in the scene
- Place PhoenixFD Mapper in the scene (PhoenixFDMapper1).
- Set the mapper's Map to a VRay Distance Texture
- Set the VRay Distance Texture to White on the inside, Black on the outside, check Inside/Outside Seperate and Inside/Outside Solid checkboxes.
- Add the geometry to the VRay Distance Texture's set list (distTexSet1).
- Either Hide or add the geo to the exclusion sim list.
- Start the sim! annnd nothing happens.
Sample File here: