the nightly build has no option to define the splash size anymore? how can I make the particles smaller?
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nightly build splash
Ivaylo should be able to answer that in more detail, but now the splash generally would just split into smaller particles and the splash size is determined by the Grid resolution, so there won't be a major mismatch between the voxel size and the splash sphere size. You can also control this render-time using the PHXFoam's size multiplier, but of course this way there will not be proper interaction between the particles, though this might not always be visible anyway. You can do a quick search around the forum, this question has arisen more than once for the past month.
Cheers!Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead
well, you are not the first one asking this question, i'm sure there is detailed answer somewhere in the old threads, but will answer briefly here
the old pipeline with separate amount and size control showed to require special efforts to achieve realistic behavior, because in fact the amount and the size are highly dependent and their ratio obeys some rules.
without technical details it's obvious that the smaller the droplets are, the bigger their count must be.
we changed the pipeline and now only the amount is directly controllable, the size is automatically calculated to obey the volume preservation rules, this means the splash droplets volume must sum up to the liquid converted into splash
of course you are still allowed to violate the size/amount ratio, but now THIS is the action that requires special efforts, unlike the old version where the physical correct ratio was the one that required special efforts.______________________________________________
VRScans developer