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can?t render external VDB:s on farm

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  • can?t render external VDB:s on farm

    I tried to load VDB from both Houdini and other downloaded VDB:s. The help says Phoenix will ask for a template, it does not.
    I can render the mesh locally but not on farm (Royal Render), i get this error:
    R131| OpenVDBIO: fatal error loading 'S:/VDB/bunny_cloud.vdb'
    R132| [2017/Apr/3|08:58:39] V-Ray warning: [PhoenixCachePlugin] Frame data 1182000 can't be loaded from S:/VDB/bunny_cloud.vdb.
    R133| [2017/Apr/3|08:58:39] V-Ray warning: [PhoenixSimPlugin] No simulation data for time 1182!

    I can load the VDB:s via Vray VolumeGrid, and that works, but i want to use the Ocean Render mode feature with displacement.

    Is this a RR problem or Phoenix problem?

    - Daniel
    Daniel Claesson

  • #2

    Indeed, Phoenix for Maya does not prompt for a render preset yet. I hope we'll be able to add this soon.

    Do you know if S:/VDB/bunny_cloud.vdb exists, or is there a way to check it on the farm? Do Royal Render have some convention about how to set paths to the caches? Also, which version of Phoenix is there?

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      I know the path exists, i tried different caches as well, both stills and sequences.
      Vray volume grid works.
      R130| [2017/Apr/3|09:08:55] V-Ray: [PhoenixCachePlugin] Frame data 1182000 successfully loaded from ......./waterMesh/a.#.vdb.
      R131| [2017/Apr/3|09:08:55] V-Ray: [PhoenixSimPlugin] grid 937x81x587, cache index 0.

      I also can?t get resimulate to work with splashes and foam, it complains about no velocity. I can se there is a V channel loaded and also have Motionblur in render.

      Phoenix FD for Maya 2014, version 3.03.01 Nightly from Mar 15 2017,
      Daniel Claesson


      • #4
        If it says you have no velocity, have you checked the grid and not particle velocity in the channel list in the Simulation rollout and in the Output rollout?

        Can't really say anything about the path on the farm though - if you have a regular Phoenix cache path, usually farms run scripts on it to modify it in order to point to the actual cache location on the farm - this is just a wild guess, though. If you load the bunny_cloud vdb, or any other vdb locally with Phoenix, does it load okay?
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

