I dont remember if i asked this question but does vray render an outline of sim box when it is inside another sim box, when sim boxes have same/ different resolutions ? . A large fire sim box has different grid size than flying propane sim box. Or this is octane's fault for rendering overlapping sim boxes? Thank you
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Grid inside the grid
Hi Svetlin,
unfortunately we do not have vray. And it looks like 3ds max standard renderer is so slow it did not even render. Attached is the scene of overlapping grids and this is the link https://we.tl/Xb655zl55g to a large fire and small propane fire sims through wetransfer.com. Anyway you can render it and see if it renders ok. Otoy cannot solve it. Not sure if it is phoenix bug or their bug. Thank you !
Attached FilesLast edited by cb LLC; 18-08-2017, 02:40 PM.
this is kind of crazy stuff we have with phoenix and octane half missing flames when grids overlap. The scene is also in the link i sent you for half missing flame. attached scene above is for visible borders of another grid. One frame full flame one frame half of the flame lol1 Photo
Thanks for the scene! Got it and rendered it with V-Ray and Scanline and there don't seem to be such artifacts. You could turn off 'emit light' or order to speed up the tests. I'm afraid it could be an Octane issue since we are explicitly taking care of overlapping containers when rendering natively with Scanline or V-Ray and this must be handled explicitly by the renderer. Does it happen with FumeFX volumes and Octane?Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead
Here is the modified scene for scanline with light emission disabled: octane phoenix bug scanline.rarSvetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead