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Average simulation speed?

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  • Average simulation speed?

    I am wondering what an average simulation speed you get. I mean for instance take the very
    first liquid tutorial (create a sphere +/- 4 cm diameter, press the liquid preset icon, then press simulate)

    This even takes an hour or so to simulate. bringing down the steps per frame makes it simulate faster but not as smooth as something like realflow for example.

    Running this on a 2.8Ghz Xeon with 32 GB memory and fast ssd.

    So a basic preset should run faster instead of taking an hour to simulate, Am I right?


  • #2

    The idea behind the presets was to have a good starting point for the new users and an easy way of creating various setups. Some of the presets indeed require a quite a bit of time if you simulate 100 or more frames.
    As for the speed - you can check here ( - how hardware affects Phoenix FD simulations.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mennovandijk View Post
      I am wondering what an average simulation speed you get. I mean for instance take the very
      first liquid tutorial (create a sphere +/- 4 cm diameter, press the liquid preset icon, then press simulate)

      This even takes an hour or so to simulate. bringing down the steps per frame makes it simulate faster but not as smooth as something like realflow for example.

      Running this on a 2.8Ghz Xeon with 32 GB memory and fast ssd.

      So a basic preset should run faster instead of taking an hour to simulate, Am I right?

      How many frames were you simulating that took an hour? And what was the resolution? I also think an hour is a relatively low simulation time. Tests sims can get much faster of course but anything useful in rendering will take time - realistic liquid simulation is a heavy process. I've also done time trials comparing PhoenixFD directly to Realflow and Phoenix was much faster in many cases.
      Josh Clos
      FX / 3D Generalist


      • #4
        the very first phoenix versions had low quality example scenes, with the idea to see the result in short time. well, that was huge mistake, many unexperienced users started their projects just replacing the geometry or something like that. as a result the internet was full of videos with terrible quality, leading the observer to the conclusion that this is what you can reach with phoenix at all.
        so, one hour of simulation is nothing, the usual production projects are simulated about a day or even more. you can check some videos in vimeo, where the autors share info how long they are simulated and rendered, in the most cases it's bigger than 10 hours.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Hmm, the tapwater preset took 16 minutes on my i7 to simulate 100 frames and 14 on a 20-thread Xeon at the office. If you are simulating 100 frames as well, would it be possible to send over the Phoenix log so we can check what is slowing it down?

          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

