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Smoke not rendering - missing something obvious

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  • Smoke not rendering - missing something obvious

    I'm getting more acquainted with FD3 and I'm overlooking something obvious. Any ideas why smoke isn't rendering? I'm sure it's a checkbox or something that I'm missing. Thanks for any tips!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hmm, seems to render here - setting Fire -> Based On to Disabled, shows it here and it's the right transparency and color:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2.png
Views:	1154
Size:	253.7 KB
ID:	975243
    Attached Files
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3

      Seems to be rendering normally with the latest Phoenix build. It doesn't show up in the GPU preview because you have the Lighting checkbox turned off in the GPU preview options.

      What version of Phoenix are you using?
      Georgi Zhekov
      Phoenix Product Manager


      • #4
        Thank you both for your time, I admit I'm not super great with Phoenix. I was using the 3.02 release and I updated to 3.05 just now and resimulated.

        When I render say frame 100 I just get an empty frame though my simulation box shows much smoke in the viewport voxels. If I render when there is flame in the simulation box I get a similar image to what you've got but I thought that was the fire/temp channel. I must admit I haven't used v3 much as I've been busy lately so I may just be misunderstanding something simple.

        When I turn on the GPU preview I get something very similar to my render, also attached. The GPU preview shows nothing at all for me, but I have a gtx 970 so maybe my card is just not up to snuff.

        Is it possible the viewport shows smoke but my smoke rendering settings would show something different?

        Thanks so much for your help,
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Can you post a screenshot ofyour output/preview/render settings. My old machine still has a 670 and copes ok with it so your GPU shouldnt be an issue
          Adam Trowers


          • #6
            Sure, thanks for taking a look. I'm not that worried about the GPU side of things but if it works that's great. I've had issues with it in the past but my computer is pretty old.

            I have some screenshots here. I can see smoke color and opacity are split now and maybe my opacity settings are wrong. I'm sure the problem likely exists between the keyboard and the chair but thanks for any tips!

            Attached Files


            • #7
              It looks like the problem was just my opacity settings. When I use simple smoke it's working ok. I tweaked the smoke preset opacity by moving the left key to the left a bit more and then the smoke started showing up. Thanks for all your help, I think the problem was just ignorance.


