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Ocean batchsim stopping

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  • Ocean batchsim stopping

    Hi guys,

    I'm batch simming an ocean scene (command prompt window / Mayabatch). Using Maya 2018.1, Phoenix 3.05.00 and Vray 3.60.03 official builds.
    Overall it works well but the batch sim is randomly stopping with the attached message in the command prompt window.
    It happened several times, at different frames, and I tested on two different computers.

    any hints why that happens ?

  • #2
    and, btw, next week, I'll test the same scene with new Phoenix version...


    • #3
      Agh, is there a crash dump generated on the machine?
      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #4
        Hi Svetlin,

        Here are two of them. One from yesterday evening and one from today.

        And here are some from the other computer I tested on.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by waaazoo; 17-02-2018, 07:04 AM.


        • #5
          Thanks! Meanhile, can you try with 3.10?
          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


          • #6
            yesterday evening I had again a crash, so I decided to install 3.10 and let it sim again. for now, it arrived at frame 440 without problem, which looks good.
            But I have also to try with phxfdBatchRestore as the crashes happened mainly with this function. I will let it run over the week-end, hoping to have the full sim, and then I'll try to phxfdBatchRestore ? part of the sequence.


            • #7
              Oh yes, all the crash dumps seem to represent a crash in the same place, which should be already fixed in 3.10.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                And it seems to sim faster in 3.10


                • #9
                  latest update. Sim was working well with 3.10. I've let it run up to frame 855/1000 and then I tested to launch with phxfdBatchRestore and it worked well also up to the end of animation.


                  • #10
                    Hi Svetlin,

                    The "clear inside" of the object properties seems to be broken or behaves at least strangely. I tested with a cube, to be sure that it's not a geometry problem.
                    When you tick solid (clear inside unticked), the cube reacts with the liquid (so far normal)
                    When you tick clear inside (solid unticked), it clears the liquid but doesn't react with liquid (also normal)
                    When you tick both, it reacts with liquid but doesn't clear inside
                    If you duplicate the cube and have one "solid" and the other "clear inside", it reacts with liquid but doesn't clear inside.

                    In previous version it was working with two cubes...


                    • #11

                      it's a normal behavior If you use Initial Fill up with Fill Up for Ocean option checked below. You can uncheck Fill Up for Ocean and try again. If you want you can attach a scene to investigate further because I'm just guessing what the problem could be.


                      • #12

                        If I uncheck "Fill Up for Ocean", the ocean inside the grid is just collapsing.
                        I'll turn my question the other way: I'm simming an ocean with a Hull of a boat. I want the hull to react with the liquid and I want no liquid inside of the hull (the hull is a closed object). What should I do ?


                        • #13
                          Hey, I think I got something that looks related - if I create an ocean preset with a sphere, if I have Solid and Clear Inside, it should have the liquid voxels from its volume removed, however only the voxels at the borders are cleared. It still correctly pushes the liquid with and without Clear Inside though. Can you send me the scene you are testing with because it doesn't sound like the same thing?

                          Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                          • #14
                            Right click, set phoenix properties clear inside?
                            Adam Trowers


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Svetlin.Nikolov View Post
                              Hey, I think I got something that looks related - if I create an ocean preset with a sphere, if I have Solid and Clear Inside, it should have the liquid voxels from its volume removed, however only the voxels at the borders are cleared. It still correctly pushes the liquid with and without Clear Inside though. Can you send me the scene you are testing with because it doesn't sound like the same thing?

                              yes, that's what I mean. I'll try to prepare you a scene tomorrow I'm testing with.

