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Can't create 3D Simulator

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  • Can't create 3D Simulator

    Hi all - Maya 2017 user here with V-Ray and Phoenix FD. When clicking "Create 3D Simulator," whether from the "Phoenix FD" menu or the button in the shelf, nothing happens. It also doesn't work with the "Create 2D Simulator" command. All other Phoenix FD functionality seems okay.

    Any ideas? Is there a way I can force this to happen through Maya's script editor?
    Eric Carlsen, Animator & Designer

  • #2

    click on the type of simulator you want to create and then drag with left mouse click on the workspace to create it.


    • #3
      Hmmm, you mean if you open a scene with a saved simulator such as the Maya example scenes on the docs site, you can start and simulate them? I this case, try reinstalling - maybe the MEL scripts got corrupted. Also make sure to have Auto Load on both the Phoenix and the V-Ray plugins.
      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #4
        Hi George and Svetlin, thank you very much for your prompt replies.

        I got pulled away from this due to other deadlines, but after some time away I tried it again and realized "Interactive Creation" was checked, and so just had to click-drag to create it I'm used to simply clicking to create an old-fashioned Maya 3D container, then resizing later, so was expecting something a box to appear automatically.

        Anyway I feel silly, but am happy to say it's working exactly as it should! Thanks again
        Eric Carlsen, Animator & Designer

