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Sim UpRes Zone

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  • Sim UpRes Zone

    Altrough it's probably more or less feasible with cascade simulation (didn't test it for now), I thought about some kind of UpRes Cage in the Grid.
    I'm thinking typically about an ocean simulation where you could have a zone (or zones! even better), where you have an up on the cell resolution. Typical example, I'm thinking of, is a ship: It's better to have a good cell resolution at bow, when we could have less cells on the rest of the grid. So, it would be like a box or a sphere, which is in the main grid, and in this Gizmo, you can define an UpRes of 10%, 25%, 50%. Once the particles leave this "Gizmo" they are "melted" into the main grid resolution.

    Does this make any sense to you?

  • #2
    Ah yes, this has always been a revolving topic for quite a while. It would make the solver much slower, which would be in part compensated by not having to do calculations for parts of the simulation which are not interesting. It would be coming at some point, but it's gonna take some significant time to implement.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

