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Predictive analytics

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  • Predictive analytics

    is there any way you guys can create an algorithm that will look at the grid size, source force, foam amount set, splash amount, forces, and % of mesh inside the grid occupied and give us approximate numbers for amount of liquid, foam, splash will be in the scene at 10%, 20% etc of completion.
    We spent the whole day simulating but ended up with too many particles and had to adjust and resim it over and over. At least approximate numbers.

  • #2

    I'm afraid this won't be possible unless we rebuild the software from ground up with limiting the particle counts to a certain number in mind. Otherwise, if we could take all factors in mind beforehand and determine the simulation state at some point in the future, this would have solved one of the biggest limitations of distributed simulations compared to distributed rendering - that simulations need to run at consecutive frames... I hope one day we would have a solution for this, but trying to roughly estimate particle counts at this moment would be wrong many more times than it would be correct and won't be of any help.

    What I would suggest as a viable workflow of trying out a simulation at final grid resolution quickly would be to shrink the simulator along some of its axes and make it about 20-30 voxels thick, so you'd be able to both monitor the dynamics and numbers, but have it sim quickly and iterate more. If you can identify a direction along any of the 3 axes where the simulation doesn't do anything interesting, shrink that axis and create such a flat simulator that would run quickly and produce representative results for the final grid dimensions.

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

