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Multiple Particle shaders for etc foam

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  • Multiple Particle shaders for etc foam

    Multiple Particle shaders for foam etc. so different LiquidSrc can have different Shaders attached and thereby have different point values

  • #2
    Hey, tell us more Do you mean having several Particle Shaders rendering e.g. the Foam system, each rendering some of the particles, each in a different mode? I.e. being able to select only some of the particles in a particle system by a Shader?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      When you add particles to a ParticleShader you should be able to select particles of just one source. I know you can do this with fire/smoke sources. Pretty sure this works with liquid sources. Not at my desk at the moment.


      • #4
        Ah, maybe you are thinking about Drag particles and how they create separate particle systems named after the geometry that emitted them. Since Particle Shaders are loosely bound to Phoenix, they just accept any 3ds Max particle system life could throw at them - be it any one of the Phoenix particle system nodes, or a pflow event, TP, tyFlow, Krakatoa, or the newly added particle system interface to the VRayProxy. So in order to ignore particles from one source, either the Particle Shader has to have more advanced select functionality, or the standard Phoenix systems - Foam, Splash, etc, gotta get the ability to be split into separate particle system nodes. The latter would probably cause some headaches with the solver, while the former would allow more agile handling of any particle systems by the Particle Shaders, so I'd like to have that - in case this is what the topic is about in the first place, but sounds like it's at least in that ballpark

        Currently with Tuners and formerly with Mappers we've been using a... kind of a hack, where separate sources would emit in addition to their usual grid or particle channels, a certain RGB color, so a Tuner can say: "I will do this and that with Red particles and completely ignore the rest". This way one source could emit Red fluid and another source could emit Blue, allowing for easy selection and also for easy preview in the viewport. So this also leads me to think that something resembling the Tuners could be added to the Particle Shader, also allowing you to go crazy with more complex conditions too...
        Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 02-07-2020, 07:57 AM.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Yep, the drag particles (or if autocorrect has its way, “draft ostriches” LOL). I guess that does not work with liquid particles then. Only per liquid simulator.

          Also, with regard to those separate sets for each object I noticed with the PRT export I had to export each one of those sets individually. Would be nice to have the option of combining multiple sets, or at least exporting them all at once (since PRTLoader can load multiple PRTs and combine them).


          • #6
            Oh yes, exporting many systems to PRT at once has been waiting in the todo list for a looooong time. Giving it a bump now...
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Hi Svetlin

              I'm thinking some like more independent shaders or shall I call them emitter , when they have there own value (foam or splash) with amount , threshold , foam amount on hit, size ,
              all the setting there are for Foam and Splash in LiquedSim - for each emitter. independent of the ocean water
              I know that it may not be possible due to the way the hole PhoniexFD works


              • #8
                Ah, everything's possible, just some things require more effort. Indeed, detaching the 'secondary' particle simulation from the FLIP solver would allow for new scenarios and will be quite powerful....
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

