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Ocean related tutorials and Initial state with the push of a button.

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  • Ocean related tutorials and Initial state with the push of a button.

    Would like that Phoenix could advance more in the direction of Great masses of water simulations, just like Realflow or Naiaad.
    and have an initial state button ,to simplify our first frame renderings of the simulation.
    Also think Phoenix have to improve compability with other renderers like mental Ray or Maxwell.
    and as everyone knows ,More tutorials , concerned with real Production needs ,meaning again greater masses of Water.

    Luiz Eduardo Mihich
    Last edited by lzmihich; 07-02-2012, 01:19 PM.

  • #2
    some tutorials or documentation would be good. unless you are technically minded and know the developers then its fairly tough to get results and realise where you are going wrong.

    i don't think phoenix is going to be able to become popular until there is some documentation - i hope in teh future someone makes some clear and detailed information


    • #3
      I t is a shame!!
      judging for the time lapse of our Hopes.They won't .
      nothing improved or changed since the spetacular release.
      Liquids should have more tutorials , not just a miserable one ,and
      this forum is like a developer's club, they don't care about the end user.
      I am not able to use Phoenix Fd for my purposes, and I am already
      regreting the expensive purchase I have dozens of expensive software,
      But I'd never received a reply from support like that before , telling me to be content with what I have.
      We can't cover the whole functionality they say.
      Is Phoenix Fd the reason Chaos is called that ?
      Last edited by lzmihich; 05-06-2012, 02:27 PM. Reason: grammar


      • #4
        See the other thread for a short reply.

        But, to return to your original post, Phoenix was not designed for massive fluid simulations of the scope that Naiad/RealFlow/Houdini can achieve and it has never been our intention to compete with them on that front. It is useful for small-scale effects and the fluids are just a nice side effect that we got from the original smoke/fire simulator and the implicit surfaces capabilities of V-Ray.

        Native compatibility with other renderers is also low in priorities right now, however we do plan to add a method to convert the fluid surface to a mesh so that you can render it with whatever you want.

        Best regards,
        Last edited by vlado; 05-06-2012, 04:20 PM.
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          What are you talking about Vlado ?I think the pool scene is large enough so it makes no sense to me, that limitation.I edited the other thread , sorry about the grammar , now corrected.


          • #6
            Well I meant large scenes like oceans and so on... the pool scene is small-scale for my understanding. Good that I asked then

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

