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Controlable "Underwater Glasses" Effect

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  • Controlable "Underwater Glasses" Effect

    the problem with the underwater glasses Effect is that the IOR of the water material distortes the camera image, witch is good (physicalliy Accurate) in most cases.
    But it can be a problem for example when your camera is in a submarine like in my case:

    My Problem is solved by the ability to deactivate the whole Underwater Glasses Effect.

    After thinking about it i whant suggest to make it more controlable.
    For example like this:

    Activate Underwater Glasses: <checkbox>
      Custom Material: <checkbox>
          <Material Slot>
      Ignor Material IOR <Checkbox>
    Last edited by Ihno; 13-08-2014, 04:09 AM.
    German guy, sorry for my English.

  • #2
    can you explain more what is the function of the custom material and ignore material ior?
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Maby i dont understant what "Underwater Glasses" realy does.

      After some tests it looks like it puts a plane or something, with the material witch is on the phoenix simulator, in front of the Camera.
      If this is right, the custom material slot would make it possible to attach a seperate material to the "plane" with other settings than the simulators material.
      Differnt multiplier of the fog for example.

      The Ignore IOR checkbox schould deactivate the IOR dependent distortion but conserve the other material proporties like fog.
      Last edited by Ihno; 13-08-2014, 04:11 AM.
      German guy, sorry for my English.


      • #4
        the underwater glasses are not a separate object, they are part of the geometry of the liquid, otherwise the fog color will not be applied properly. so it's not possible to render them with separate material.
        i think the ior correction can be achieved, because the ior can be mapped, of course it's hard to make it by hand.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          Well then the ability to turn the whole thing off is enough.

          The "Ignoe IOR" option would be cool but its not nessesary.
          Iam happy if you keep the "Underwater Glasses" checkbox for your future releases. Just thought about what coult it make more controlable.
          But the underwater look can be reached with other methodes (environment fog for exampel) if i can turn that thing off.
          Last edited by Ihno; 13-08-2014, 06:06 AM.
          German guy, sorry for my English.


          • #6
            ok then, thanks for the feedback and the ideas
            VRScans developer

