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OpenVDB full support

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  • OpenVDB full support

    hi there,

    i recently bought phoenix fd and am new to the forum.
    i love how versatile and easy it is, and in my view should be on its way to become the only plugin one needs for fluid and smoke sim in max.

    i do have a question however:
    it seems that currently the plugin supports only the openvdb import, and no export.

    this is really, really unfortunate and i would like to ask the devs if the openvdb feature will be supported in the future.
    it should hopefully be simple enough to integrate.

    looking very forward to any response.

  • #2
    Yes, export to OpenVDB will have to implemented at some point.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      this is great. thank you very much for a reassuring and fast reply.

      now to be cheeky, may one get an inkling at which frequency the updates will be coming?
      i may be wrong but seems that phoenix had larger time gaps between each update.
      understandably so, since the new features have been fantastic.

      i know this is somewhat of an indiscreet question, but i have to plan out my mini pipeline for a few upcoming projects.

      thanks again,


      • #4
        There's all sorts of stuff going on in the nightly builds, but the guys are currently a bit in research phase - we are working on a new SPH solver for liquids and conjugate gradient solver for smoke/fire. We are also trying to improve render speeds.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          thanks again vlado,

          really great to hear the team is busy.

          apologies for being so selfish, if i may officially again beg for fast tracking the openvdb export.
          i know there are far more interesting and important developments to be considered but i have to ask nonetheless.

          best regards to the whole chaos group team,

