First, you did a great job, I love 3.0
I dont know if this is possibe, propably not can't beleve you didn't thought about this before:
I'd like to ask if you could make an internal auto spf depending on the parameters set. And we can use the spf parameter to add spf's to the automatically specified spf.
There are things like viscosity which can't be simulated proper with too low spf, as far as I understand there is no scenario where it will work with one spf exept a very low timescale but this is also a parameter you can read.
Presets for: Waveforce based shore, Waveforce based stormy Ocean.
Add a Parameter in Particle shader to render everything below given size in point mode.
I know this is already possible with a second Particle shader.
But there are some clicks to make and you have to keep two size parameters equal.
And if you want to shade foam, splash and mist using this, you'd end up with at least 6 Particle shaders and even more if you also want to have a different setup for lets say underwater foam.
An enabled checkbox in PHX Particle Shader to turn it off without the need to delete the source objects from the list. Wasn't there one in 2.2?
A help Button in PHX Particle Shader UI.
Something which shows the size distribution. Some kind of histogram or simply some greyedout (Min/Max) numbers like the subdivisions in the vray mtl.
Splash/Foam/Mist birth Gizmo. Ability to define an object in which those kinds of particles can be born. Is the option active, no Splash/Foam/Mist particles can be born outside that gizmo.
Different Particle preview colors by default. Dont know why you changed that, maby I'm wrong but I think this makes more sense than having everything in white.
I already mentioned this in another thread but just to place it in the right froum:
Backup frame formular field where you can type on which frames a backupframe should be. Like this for example: 20, 46, 53
Ability to choose which kind of particles of the PHX sim to use as source for the Vray instancer.
Edit: And fix the geometry cutting in mesh mode
Also, can you somehow prevent displacement from beeing ablied to the sides and "cutouts" (If you have an object underwater)
I dont know if this is possibe, propably not can't beleve you didn't thought about this before:
I'd like to ask if you could make an internal auto spf depending on the parameters set. And we can use the spf parameter to add spf's to the automatically specified spf.
There are things like viscosity which can't be simulated proper with too low spf, as far as I understand there is no scenario where it will work with one spf exept a very low timescale but this is also a parameter you can read.
Presets for: Waveforce based shore, Waveforce based stormy Ocean.
Add a Parameter in Particle shader to render everything below given size in point mode.
I know this is already possible with a second Particle shader.
But there are some clicks to make and you have to keep two size parameters equal.
And if you want to shade foam, splash and mist using this, you'd end up with at least 6 Particle shaders and even more if you also want to have a different setup for lets say underwater foam.
An enabled checkbox in PHX Particle Shader to turn it off without the need to delete the source objects from the list. Wasn't there one in 2.2?
A help Button in PHX Particle Shader UI.
Something which shows the size distribution. Some kind of histogram or simply some greyedout (Min/Max) numbers like the subdivisions in the vray mtl.
Splash/Foam/Mist birth Gizmo. Ability to define an object in which those kinds of particles can be born. Is the option active, no Splash/Foam/Mist particles can be born outside that gizmo.
Different Particle preview colors by default. Dont know why you changed that, maby I'm wrong but I think this makes more sense than having everything in white.
I already mentioned this in another thread but just to place it in the right froum:
Backup frame formular field where you can type on which frames a backupframe should be. Like this for example: 20, 46, 53
Ability to choose which kind of particles of the PHX sim to use as source for the Vray instancer.
Edit: And fix the geometry cutting in mesh mode
Also, can you somehow prevent displacement from beeing ablied to the sides and "cutouts" (If you have an object underwater)