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My wishlist (mostly related to liquids :D)

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  • My wishlist (mostly related to liquids :D)

    Hi!, I have been using Phoenixfd to simulate liquids for a while and I can't be more than happy with all the improves and attention it has received since this feature was released. I use liquids sims most of the times for tv spots, where our clients are all the time after some crazy ideas for liquid behaviour and eye candy shots with really nice liquid sheets and those stuffs.
    I know I have asked this before so this is why I'm writing this now on the wishlist

    1. I would love to have some options in phoenixfd like those you can find in RF and Houdini to improve liquid quality like sheet preservation/smorganic/sheeter effect. Those option would be so useful for slow motion shots and pretty small detailed splashes. In terms of liquid simulations this is something I'm really missing inside phoenixfd and in my case ths can improve (by far) the quality of the liquids I'm doing for commercials.

    2. In terms of a friend that is specialized working with liquids in Houdini "Phoenix is missing right now is some VDB shaping pipeline. So you can control even better the post shaping of your level set". In his words is the implementation of SDF or sign distance field, that let you skin you particles before turning them into mesh, giving you the chance to manipulate your level-set. I'm not sure but I guess this is pretty related also to my first point in terms of meshing more than simulation.

    Thats all, I really hope you can take this suggestions into your future to-do list

  • #2
    Indeed, a particle mesher is one of the most urgent feature requests. Currently the liquid particles are voxelized into a grid and then meshed using the grid mesher that Phoenix has. This messes their shape quite a lot, and you have near zero control over the meshing surface, except for smoothing. This was already discussed in another thread some days ago.

    The sheeter is there in the list as well

    Thanks very much for the suggestions!
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Thank you very much Svetlin, for me those are huge news, I can't wait to see that feature... By the way, I was wondering if that is only related to meshed or its also going to have any option for simulation itself like Real Flow Q Solver
      Again, thank you very much, specially for the V3 release, amazing job you geniuses have done


      • #4
        Indeed, it should be done both in simulation and in meshing - I think around the forums this was discussed during the last couple of months - I think what's needed would be many Steps per Frame and high Surface Tension.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Hahaha actually I think it was me, I have been after that feature for a while since I had put my hands on the nightly. But you mean that increasing those two options with the current released will let me have that kind of sheeter effect? (also the problem rising the SPF and ST is that the sim lose a lot of detail and the sim time is increased considerably
          Thanks again Svetlin


          • #6

            That's right - especially with SPF, changing it from 1 to *something* will make the simulation *something* times longer - these are full simulation steps, except for the part where the cache file is written to disk, so the slowdown will be almost proportional. Unfortunately, fluid simulations today still tend to need more steps for some phenomena, so it's something you'll run into sooner or later...

            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

