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Fire Render Element and Smoke Render Element

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  • Fire Render Element and Smoke Render Element

    It would be awesome to be able seperate smoke and fire in the post, not only to change colors but opactiy, too.
    If there is a way to do this already via render elements, then nevermind however a quick how-to description would be appreciated,
    I can't figure out how to get my smoke on a seperate layer from fire (except rendering two versions of the fire sim which currently is clearly not ideal). Thanks!

  • #2

    This is still on the to do list. Right now the only option is to render two versions of the sim.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      you can use the self illumination renderelement to separate the fire, and atmosphere render element to get fire + smoke. then you can get the smoke by subtracting atmosphere-fire
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        I may have a solution for the smoke (possibly not mathematically correct). As Ivaylo said, VrayAtmosphere renders fire and smoke, VraySelfIllumination renders just fire, and it seems that VrayLighting renders smoke that is illuminated by the fire (if the geometry is a matte object). As far as I can tell, the smoke is the same as in the atmosphere element but I'm not 100% sure this is correct. Seems to work in my scene because it is a contained flame and the only light source for the smoke is the fire.

        Correct me if I'm wrong though.
        Last edited by joshclos; 13-02-2017, 01:29 PM.
        Josh Clos
        FX / 3D Generalist

