The most missing features for PhoenixFD liquids (and the one that would allow many artists to earn more money with Phoenix!) is the ability to do really beautiful and realistic splashes with realistic drops and sheets of liquid for stuff like tabletop, food spots and high-speed photography style macro splash work. so something in the scale of a bowl or a bottle splashing around.
For this we need:
Great Surface-Tension +
Hole-infilling for super clean meshes +
Volume preservation +
Air-simulation / surrounding fluid
I'm talking about what Real Flow and Houdini are already good at and I would like to bring your attention on what Alejandro Echeverry has been doing in Houdini. Please see that page on the odforce forum: http://forums.odforce.net/topic/1811...effect/?page=4
I know you are probably working already on adding sheeter effect in Phoenix like I read on previous posts. But I wanted to know if you are considering the fact that just filling the holes with particles would unrealistically increase volumes and an approach based on mean curvature flow advection to compute surface tension and VDB based method may be better (Like Alejandro says on the forum).
I need to be able to do these kinds of effects but sadly it's just impossible now with PhoenixFD:
See also:
For this Alejandro is even sharing the Houdini file so we can see how he did that: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qm9e3xzk1...rence.hip?dl=0
My clients asked me all the time to do those kinds of effects and I hope I could do them with Phoenix cause right now I have no choice but use other tools cause in Phoenix the drops are too uniform and too spherical right now and miss too much tension and tendrils. I know we can increase SFP and play with scale to get some sheet effects and it looks good at bigger scale but it's never looking good at those smaller scales.
There is also a Siggraph paper about sheet preservation by Ryoichi Ando and Reiji Tsuruno: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~rand/sheetflip/index.html
Would also be great to be able to have control over the scale of tendrils, in particular their tickness to adjust their scale relative to the scale of the sheet. Like in this example with Smorganic in real flow: https://vimeo.com/12992186
And here is the ultimate example of what I need a liquid simulator to be able to do, dancing paint on a speaker:
real flow: https://vimeo.com/36172233
real flow: https://vimeo.com/135704738
houdini: https://vimeo.com/145827468
the real thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WKU7gG_ApU
The most missing features for PhoenixFD liquids (and the one that would allow many artists to earn more money with Phoenix!) is the ability to do really beautiful and realistic splashes with realistic drops and sheets of liquid for stuff like tabletop, food spots and high-speed photography style macro splash work. so something in the scale of a bowl or a bottle splashing around.
For this we need:
Great Surface-Tension +
Hole-infilling for super clean meshes +
Volume preservation +
Air-simulation / surrounding fluid
I'm talking about what Real Flow and Houdini are already good at and I would like to bring your attention on what Alejandro Echeverry has been doing in Houdini. Please see that page on the odforce forum: http://forums.odforce.net/topic/1811...effect/?page=4
I know you are probably working already on adding sheeter effect in Phoenix like I read on previous posts. But I wanted to know if you are considering the fact that just filling the holes with particles would unrealistically increase volumes and an approach based on mean curvature flow advection to compute surface tension and VDB based method may be better (Like Alejandro says on the forum).
I need to be able to do these kinds of effects but sadly it's just impossible now with PhoenixFD:
See also:
For this Alejandro is even sharing the Houdini file so we can see how he did that: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qm9e3xzk1...rence.hip?dl=0
My clients asked me all the time to do those kinds of effects and I hope I could do them with Phoenix cause right now I have no choice but use other tools cause in Phoenix the drops are too uniform and too spherical right now and miss too much tension and tendrils. I know we can increase SFP and play with scale to get some sheet effects and it looks good at bigger scale but it's never looking good at those smaller scales.
There is also a Siggraph paper about sheet preservation by Ryoichi Ando and Reiji Tsuruno: http://research.nii.ac.jp/~rand/sheetflip/index.html
Would also be great to be able to have control over the scale of tendrils, in particular their tickness to adjust their scale relative to the scale of the sheet. Like in this example with Smorganic in real flow: https://vimeo.com/12992186
And here is the ultimate example of what I need a liquid simulator to be able to do, dancing paint on a speaker:
real flow: https://vimeo.com/36172233
real flow: https://vimeo.com/135704738
houdini: https://vimeo.com/145827468
the real thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WKU7gG_ApU