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Fade in Infinite ocean with sim box

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  • Fade in Infinite ocean with sim box

    I have had this issue several times were my sim box gets close to the horizon and I cant get the sim mesh to blend in with the infinite ocean. I made my ocean subdivs as high as I can go without maxing my ram out which is at 128gb but still getting a harsh edge.

    So if there was a way to implement an option were you can fade the edge of the sim box with the infinite ocean to get a nice gradient between the two so you don’t get a harsh edge like im experiencing for cases were you cant just increase the ocean subdivs to fix the problem

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PHXFD_Issue.PNG
Views:	146
Size:	895.9 KB
ID:	998348

  • #2

    I will see how I can improve this...

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Unless there is something im missing the only things I can think of is change my camera angle up, make a mask around the ocean cap or make a lower res sim.


      • #4
        Indeed, lower resolution would be the way to work around it. One possibility for the fix in the actual ocean meshing would be to automatically lower the resolution, but this might cause other problems like flickering during animation.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          So even when I do half the cell res to get the infinite ocean and simmed ocean to match there still is a seam ive compared subdiv too like from 8 to 10 and i dont even see a diffrence. Everything is in meters the cell size for the sim is 30 million im using 3.10 biuld am I doing something wrong? I feel like I never ran into this problem using version 2.2 ive tried different ocean shaders still same outcome and ive noticed when I put a light in the scene my ocean gets really dark even when I dont have the light effecting the ocean. I turn the light off and still the ocean turn dark only way to get rid of the dark ocean is to delete the light i tried it with a regular direction ligt and a vray sun same issues. Just trying to get the right reflections from the ships onto the ocean. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I feel so lost on what to do Click image for larger version

Name:	PHXFD_Issue_2.PNG
Views:	134
Size:	106.6 KB
ID:	998765


          • #6
            Im still getting flikering in the ocean close to the horizen even with all my settings super high and ocean subdivs as high as they can go without capping my ram of 128gb do my render setting look right? Ive never had to go this high to get rid of flikering Click image for larger version

Name:	PHXFD_Issue_3.PNG
Views:	111
Size:	54.5 KB
ID:	998770


            • #7
              Hey, hang on, I have a WIP change that looks promising. If all goes well, I'll be able to add it for tomorrow's nightlies. This is regarding the difference between the detail of the normals inside and outside the simulator though. If you have any issues with noise or flicker, try the mesh smoothing and decreasing the ocean tex's level of detail.
              Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


              • #8
                im sorry Im not able to get to the nightlys bc I dont have access to the software upgrades the company I work for has a team of people that handle software. Ill try lowering the the ocean tex detail and see if I can get better results. thanks


                • #9
                  Anyone know if the infinate ocean is being created differently when comparing version 2.2 and 3.10?


                  • #10
                    Without being able to upgrade to a nightly, this leaves us with very few options really...

                    Here's the answer to the differences in how the ocean is generated:, just search for "ocean" in each changelog.

                    In case you can't get a new build, try increasing the Horizon Roughness - this will help blend the ocean with the container better.

                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                    • #11
                      I was just windering bc I was looking at my old ocean scenes done in 2.2 and I had some pretty high res ocean texture detailed settings and was getting good results I feel like im having more issues trying to get my oceans to work than when I was working in 2.2

                      Thanks for your help


                      • #12
                        Hey, just FYI, I was finally able to finish my change from a few days ago and it would go into tomorrow's nightlies.

                        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

