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Global settings

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  • Global settings

    Hey there,

    I´m currently dealing with a scene, where I have scattered around 3 sims a couple of times each. I´ve made copies, so I could change the cache index for each, giving it some nice variation.
    What I´ve found a pain to deal with right now is that if I wanna change some sepcific settings for all sim nodes, it gets quite tedious.
    Lets say I wanna switch all sims to use mesh mode instead of volumetric mode, or change shadow step etc...

    Forest pack has a neat "global settings" tool, that lets you change such settings and control all sims in the scene, I´d love to see something like that for Phoenix!

  • #2
    Hey, that should be really easy thing to do using scripting. You can check all the things that happen when you change an option using the MaxScript Listener, then copy those things, select all of the simulators and run the commands again.
    You can find each MaxScript command on the docs page - next to each option there is a text in Italic which shows the exact command.
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Yeah, completely forgot about the MaxScript listener. Probably because I just now figured out that I have to enable the "Macro listener" in order to see any actions...Also just for anyone trying to follow this: Try to get the commands with an empty grid, I think once you´ve created foam or splash shaders, the commands get a bit wonky and probably won´t work
      (for example $'PG [Foam] of system [PhoenixFDLiquid001]'.grav = on instead of $.grav=on)

      This definitely works great for now, if I have some time again, I´ll try to figure out how to make some buttons out of those macro snippets, although its probably something not that many people need (changing variables on several simulators at once).

      Thanks for the input!


      • #4

        Just a note - you definitely don't want to change any settings on the "PG [] of system []" nodes. All they are used for is for connecting the simulator to the Particle Shaders.

        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Yeah, thats what I meant to say with "try to get the commands with an empty grid"...

          I´m just having a hard time getting the macrolistener snippets into rollout form. Ideally there would be like something like the Vraylight lister to choose which PXH sims to choose.
          I know I shouldn´t complain about my lack of scripting knowledge, but I just can´t get my head into it...too many more interesting things to do and figure out...

