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new features still to come

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  • JD3D_CGI
    I have to say - I agree with the OP.

    Although there are some great new additions - this doesn't feel like a whole new version of Vray.

    I think the impetus to keep updating more and more to justify yearly subscriptions could end up alienating the user base - as well as fragmenting it.

    Not to mention the fact that there are still fundamental unsolved issues - like for me, fireflies when using depth of field or fog.

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  • super gnu
    Originally posted by kosso_olli View Post
    Well, you got the killer new caustic system with an update to 5... Any issues with that?
    did we? did i miss it ?! there were a few months when i wasnt working, and before that a long job with no need for such features. thats just typical.. been waiting for something less fiddly, faster, and nicer looking for years and i go and miss the news.

    i shall have to go and have a play.

    excellent first Beta post, me.

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  • kosso_olli
    Well, you got the killer new caustic system with an update to 5... Any issues with that?

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  • super gnu
    started a topic new features still to come

    new features still to come

    im not sure if this is "bad etiquette" to ask what else is coming as my first post... but, given i already have forestpack and vraypattern, and, in the case of forestpack at least, works amazingly, there is currently a (for my use cases) a certain lack of new features which would justify a whole number version increase... i was so sure version 6 would be the one with the killer new caustics system....