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V-Ray Frame Buffer

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  • V-Ray Frame Buffer

    I want to know some information about V-Ray Frame Buffer.

    First, Can I customize VFB and integrate to our UI?
    Many software use VFB directly and the VFB is docked on their custom UI widget.

    Second, some appSDK examples cannot support camera interaction. (EX. obj-import example)
    In this case, how do I add mouse interaction?


  • #2

    The VFB currently supports a few pre-defined themes that you can select with the vfbDrawStyle member of RendererOptions. Beyond this, you can get a native window handle if you're using the C++ binding with getWindowHandle() and you can set the parent window with setParentWindow(). You may also have to call VRayInit::setUseParentEventLoop() on WIN32. All these methods are pretty low-level, C++ only. We provide a version of vray.dll (or .so/.dylib) built with Qt4 instead of wxWidgets. If your host application is Qt based, you can rename vray_qt4.dll to vray.dll for better integration.

    The VFB in AppSDK supports camera control in RT by default. You can use Ctrl+LMB drag or Shift+LMB drag to pan and orbit, respectively. This works in obj-import as well. It can be turned off through VFB::enableInteractivity(false) in C++ and similarly in other languages.
    Nikola Goranov
    Chaos Developer


    • #3
      Camera translation prints dump message. [Invalid Geometric Normal]
      Moreover, camera zoom doesn't exist.

      Note that interaction property is true.

      Examples using "renderer.load("xxx.vrscene") support all camera interaction.
      But examples using "obj parser" support only camera rotation.


      • #4
        Indeed, there is a small bug in the camera control code that will be fixed in the next release. You can work around it by adding renderView.set_fov(0.8f); under line 37.
        This should make pan and zoom (Shift+scroll) work in the obj-import example.
        Nikola Goranov
        Chaos Developer


        • #5
          Thanks. It works well.

