I have a problem similar to https://forums.chaosgroup.com/forum/...ified-for-node or https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/VFBlender/FAQ (In the errors section).
Here is how the rendered image looks:

And here is how it should look (the image our designer sent us):

When rendering the scene with AppSDK, it renders successfully, but one of the materials is rendered as all black. Also, the lighting is off. When I print the debug log, here is what I get:
The relevant line is:
In the second link above, they suggest that my version of Vray is old. This is not the case.
What might be the reason?
Here is how the rendered image looks:
And here is how it should look (the image our designer sent us):
When rendering the scene with AppSDK, it renders successfully, but one of the materials is rendered as all black. Also, the lighting is off. When I print the debug log, here is what I get:
Dome light resolution increased from 512 to 2048 for light "VRayLight002@light_44" Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources/STR_N1_HDR_B_8K_MED_Performance.88aef8493cdb.hdr" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//bell_park_pier_3k.e9bb3086104c.hdr" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//stone_alley_03_16k.315a57e9b452.exr" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//urban_street_03_16k.2fb1daf09332.hdr" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//RoadAsphaltCleanDoubleLined_Displacement.89e6f991d b60.tif" loaded. Using Embree ray tracing. Building Embree static trees took 2473 milliseconds, memory used 2319.15 MB Embree dynamic geometry tree contains 4 primitives. Embree dynamic geometry tree built in 0.73 ms. Embree dynamic geometry tree takes 0.00 MB. Running RTEngine Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Damage2_01.df4b37e14039.jpg" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Leather_C_HM_2k_lin_srgb.760e9bf87c59.tx" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//L_fender 01.07b734bc3cc2.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Damage3_01.eb0e6bb6975b.jpg" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg01.b10da92ffdc1.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Damage4_01.a43725cffa2f.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Damage4_02.c204e01ae861.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//L_Door_Dmg_1_1001_BaseColor.a81ee14a1bdd.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//L_fender 02.3c30a3012a7d.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg02.64892a680dc3.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Scratch1.c4b6c7037a32.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//Scratch2.f34012bb0c1c.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//RoadAsphaltCleanDoubleLined_Albedo.9f3056966157.ti f" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//L_fender 03.e6087fd949ec.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg03.b9e7887aff5d.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg04.66af794ca6fa.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//L_Fender scratch 01.26a0cabac5e0.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg05.34d63a245e50.png" loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//RoadAsphaltCleanDoubleLined_Gloss.9c365a7c8788.tif " loaded. Bitmap file "/chaos_datagen/22_06/resources//F_Bump_01_Dmg06.db3caddc2df8.png" loaded. Progressive sampling base buffer memory usage: 374.37 MB Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.166667 Setting up denoiser GPAPI: [pickBestOpenCLDevices] No OpenCL devices found Failed finding OpenCL devices for VDenoise: [pickBestOpenCLDevices] No OpenCL devices found GPAPI: [pickBestOpenCLDevices] No OpenCL devices found [init] Failed to initialize GPAPI. | [pickBestOpenCLDevices] No OpenCL devices found Recalculating denoiser Denoising complete in 9.25 s Hardware accelerated glare start... Segmentation took 10 ms: 0 region(s). [applyGlare] GPU accelerated glare failed. | [setBuffer] GPAPI is not initialized. Error 1 during hardware accelerated lens effects calculation. Falling back to CPU. Applying lens effects might take longer than usual. CPU glare start... Segmentation took 10 ms: 0 region(s). CPU glare completed. Took 80 ms. Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.125000 Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.083333 Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.050000 Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.027778 Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.014706 Closing RTEngine (cancelled) Max. Mpaths per second: 3.387770 Sampling level reached: 91 samples per pixel V-Ray Interactive render time: 104.42s Number of raycasts: 1914307334 (923.18 per pixel) Camera rays: 39270658 (18.94 per pixel) Shadow rays: 33635191 (16.22 per pixel) GI rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Reflection rays: 38860126 (18.74 per pixel) Refraction rays: 11316983 (5.46 per pixel) Unshaded rays: 1789360368 (862.92 per pixel) Number of light evaluations: 53416881 (25.76 per pixel) Maximum memory usage for resman: 28.54 MB Number of intersectable primitives: 23206574 SD triangles: 23206569 MB triangles: 0 Static primitives: 4 Moving primitives: 0 Infinite primitives: 1 Static hair segments: 0 Moving hair segments: 0 Cleaning up bitmap manager Maximum memory usage for texman: 5.43 MB
[MtlSingleBRDF] No BSDF parameter specified to material "Material__120@mtl_0"
What might be the reason?