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App sdk for C++ issues

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  • App sdk for C++ issues

    I have a problem using vray app sdk for C++ on centos 7. the install is all good and the license server config is good. I can render using ./vray.bin under the install path of the app sdk. but when I run the examples of the C++ cpp. always throw VRay::InstantiationErr, but I make sure the license is good. please help.
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1165000

  • #2
    Could you send us the AppSDK build that you use?
    - e.g. the filename of your install package with the build date - appsdk-linux_qt5-release-vray_v6.00.21-20221102
    - plus the type and version of your AppSDK license

    We could also check the actual error message by modifying the 03-save-vfb-image/main.cpp:
    try {
       VRayInit init(NULL, true);
    } catch (VRayException &vre) {
       printf("%s\n", vre.what());


    • #3
      my instakll app sdk verison is appsdk-linux_nogui-release-vray_v5.20.20-20220131.
      on centos 7.​​
      when I run the examples of the cpp. it always throw VRay::InstantiationErr. and the error code is {{appSDK = VRay::LicenseError::vrlauth_noLicenseAtAllError, renderNode = 0}, errs = 4294967099}.


      • #4
        the license version is cgls_lin_6.0.0.bin


        • #5
          I make sure the license config is ok. because I can render ok using the vray.bin file under the path of app sdk install. Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	307
Size:	172.1 KB
ID:	1165183


          • #6
            I have reproduced this type of error, in case the AppSDK license is not installed/available.
            The Render Node license alone, should be enough to render with V-Ray standalone, using vray.bin with parameters.

            The AppSDK license, though, is a separate one, and it is requested during the creation of VRayRenderer / VRayServer, which are specific to the AppSDK.
            Could you check which type of licenses you have available on your system?


            • #7
              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	159.7 KB ID:	1165335Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	313
Size:	122.7 KB
ID:	1165344​​
              yes I find I only have V-ray standalone license. so how I can install app sdk license, I didn't find a install instruction of license for app sdk. can you give me a site for this. thanks very much. or tell me what I should do to have a install of a app sdk license.
              Last edited by keqing_gao; 15-11-2022, 12:55 AM.


              • #8
                and the site you give me I can't open.​
                Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	177.0 KB ID:	1165337
                Last edited by keqing_gao; 15-11-2022, 12:55 AM.


                • #9
                  I have bought the render node license. how can i obtain the app sdk license. need I buy again?


                  • #10
                    Sorry about the broken link, probably you have already checked this page -

                    Regarding the AppSDK license, my colleagues advised to fill out this evaluation form, describing briefly your use case, with questions such as - which type of software do you plan to integrate V-Ray into...

                    They will contact you over the provided email after a short review of the form.
                    Last edited by plamen.grozev; 15-11-2022, 05:08 AM.


                    • #11
                      I have fill the form, can you just give me the link, to download the app sdk license. I can't find the download and install page of the app sdk license. why I can download the app sdk but can't install the app sdk license. I search everywhere in chaos home page, can't. found the instruction of install app sdk license page. and the download page of app sdk license.


                      • #12
                        Indeed, the AppSDK product license differs from the licenses for other V-Ray products, and there is no Trial license for AppSDK.
                        Please, wait until your form is reviewed by our colleagues, and they will contact you over the email provided in the form.


                        • #13
                          thank you, I still didn't receive any email yet. I have bought two licenses, it's not for trial. I think it's my right to access to the app sdk. because you have display the app sdk as your product. I don't know why but it doesn't make scene, I can have the access to download and install app sdk but not provide the license and don't give any clue on your web site. hope this can be resolved quickly, I have waste a lot of time on it.


                          • #14
                            Hello, our colleagues from the Sales and Account Management team have replied to your form, could you check your email (including the Spam folder, in case the mail is there)?


                            • #15
                              thank you. I have received the e-mail.

