welcome screen shows up, but after a while disappear and thats all. Benchmark 4.1 works fine.
welcome screen shows up, but after a while disappear and thats all. Benchmark 4.1 works fine.
Important: Update Your Chaos Licensing by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos licensing will result in the loss of access to your licenses.Get-WmiObject -Query "select maxclockspeed from win32_processor" | Format-List -Property maxclockspeed Get-WmiObject -Query "select percentprocessorperformance from win32_perfformatteddata_counters_processorinformation where name='_Total'" | Format-List -Property percentprocessorperformance
lodctr /r
%windir%\SysWOW64\lodctr /r
lodctr /r
%windir%\SysWOW64\lodctr /r
lodctr /r
%windir%\SysWOW64\lodctr /r