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V-Ray Next 4.02.05 is available for download

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  • V-Ray Next 4.02.05 is available for download

    Hi, there is a new hotifx build of V-Ray Next for 3ds Max released with [mainly] bug fixes, you can find it in the downloads. The change log follows:

    Build 4.02.05 V-Ray Next official

    New features:
    (*) V-Ray: Initial support for direct rendering of CoronaMtl and most materials from the Corona material library;
    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Add a parameter for additional control of the auto-exposure (camera_autoExposure_compensation);

    Modified features:
    (*) VRayHDRI: Improved performance for tiled .tx and .exr textures;
    (*) VRayDenoiser: Switch to Optix 5.1 for the NVidia AI denoiser;
    (*) VRayGLSL/VRayOSL: Added keyboard shortcuts, compile and reset options to QuickShader UI;
    (*) VRayScene: Implement support for VRayCryptomatteElement;
    (*) VRayMDL: Add support for Ward BRDF in MDL plugin;

    Bug fixes:
    (*) V-Ray: Artifacts with adaptive lights in a certain interior scenes;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when modifying VRayInstancer material and switching to another frame during IPR;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when rendering with DR (since 4.02.04);
    (*) V-Ray: Crash when starting IPR after resetting a scene with DR;
    (*) V-Ray: Crash with region rendering with render elements and Previous render set to Darken;
    (*) V-Ray: Different brightness in high-res renderings with Auto Exposure;
    (*) V-Ray: Fix V-Ray Cloud scene submission broken animation export;
    (*) V-Ray: Improve selection of VRayPhysicalCamera and VRayLight in the viewport;
    (*) V-Ray: IPR crashes with Alembic hair in specific scene after stop;
    (*) V-Ray: Separate render channels output files are not named properly when saving to separate folders (since 4.02.03);
    (*) V-Ray: Standard material diffuse texture and opacity map do not work with V-Ray Next;
    (*) V-Ray: Stuck at "Building embree moving trees" with multi segment motion blur;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: When there is just one light in the scene, adaptive lights v2 unnecessarily resets the progressive buffer;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Blank images saved when used as texture baking renderer;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash on the second frame in scenes with lots of animated plugins;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash when cancelling a batch render in 3ds Max;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash when deleting heavy geometry in specific scene;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash when deleting VRayLights in specific scene;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with BerconNoise and VRayDisplacementMod during IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with Displacement and Environment Fog during IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with Ornatrix (since 4.02.01);
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Crash with specific VRayProxy and displacement;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: CUDA error 700 when turning off Lights while rendering in IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Disable refresh interactive VFB button as it doesn't work correctly in IPR;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: IPR crashes with stereo mode set to Anaglyph(Red/Cyan)(Green/Magenta);
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Noisy alpha channel with shadow catcher objects;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Random crash when changing VRayLight options;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Unexpected render result with non-spherical Dome VRayLight and matte shadows;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: Unhandled exception when moving the time slider with motion blur and OpenSubdiv;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayDirt's "double sided" parameter is not working correctly;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayOCIO does not work with bitmaps;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: VRayHDRI with RGB multiplier in the Output rollout renders differently;
    (*) V-Ray GPU: When using displacement, textures are affected by the texture format setting;
    (*) VRay2SidedMtl: Crash with animated submaterial on the second frame in V-Ray GPU;
    (*) VRay2SidedMtl: Invalid colors with V-Ray Standalone when rendering scenes with two VRay2SidedMtl materials nested in each other;
    (*) VRayDirt: Crash when undoing deletions of geometries that are in Include/Exclude lists;
    (*) VRayDistanceTex: Crash during IPR (since 4.02.01);
    (*) VRayEnvironmentFog: Crash with VRayEnvironmentFog with overlapping gizmos with coinciding far sides;
    (*) VRayGLSL: GLSL materials cause V-Ray GPU to recompile kernels on each start;
    (*) VRayInstancer: Crash when rendering with Thinking Particles (since 4.02.03);
    (*) VRayInstancer: Fixed losing some particle groups during instancing;
    (*) VRayOSL: Crash during IPR;
    (*) VRayOSL: Crash when selecting specific VRayOSLTex in material editor on scene open;
    (*) VRayOSL: Flipped textures with OSL maps on V-Ray GPU;
    (*) VRayOSL: OSL issues errors when output closures are not explicitly specified;
    (*) VRayOSL: Renders black in IPR if attached to VRayExtraTex;
    (*) VRayPluginNode: Crash when a texmap used as a displacement map is being modified during IPR;
    (*) VRayScene: Camera settings from vrscene interfere with the camera in 3ds max;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Caches containing a minus/dash sign before the # format can not be loaded;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Caches containing digits after the # format can not be loaded;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Crash when rendering with GPU as production after rendering with IPR;
    (*) VRayVolumeGrid: Multiple overlapping volumes do not blend correctly with V-Ray GPU;
    (*) VFB: Aspect ratio is changing when resizing VFB during IPR;
    (*) VFB: Closing the VFB window while 3ds Max is saving a VFB image causes 3ds Max to crash;
    (*) VFB: Image Info has to be cleared when loading a new image in VFB;
    (*) V-Ray scene converter: Fix Opacity and Reflection Glossiness parameters conversion for CoronaSkinMtl;
    (*) V-Ray scene converter: Fix Reference node space mode conversion for CoronaTriplanar;
    (*) Lens Analysis Tool: crashes when analyzing a photo manually;

    Best regards,
    Last edited by vlado; 10-10-2018, 04:51 AM.
    Yavor Rubenov
    V-Ray for 3ds Max developer

  • #2
    Is it just me because I understand these new features.

    I recall them being mentioned in the changelog for but how they work and where to locate them still eludes me

    Can someone please explain

    New features:
    (*) V-Ray: Initial support for direct rendering of CoronaMtl and most materials from the Corona material library;

    Do you need Corona installed for this to work, then again, if you have it installed, why would you be using V-Ray. It is great that there is now initial support for CoronaMtl
    and materials from the library, however I imagined loading a Corona scene, would allow me to render the materials, however it just displays errors "Missing rendrer...." etc.
    And hitting render, just gives black materials

    (*) V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Add a parameter for additional control of the auto-exposure (camera_autoExposure_compensation);

    Where is this located exactly... oh and will there ever be a way to select white / black in the image, so that the auto exposure has something to go by
    becasue at the moment, it can vary wildly, from about right to crazy over exposed, al depending on the


    • #3
      Originally posted by andy51 View Post
      Do you need Corona installed for this to work, then again, if you have it installed, why would you be using V-Ray.
      Yes, you need to have Corona installed for the moment.
      if you have it installed, why would you be using V-Ray
      Apparently, it happens If you work mainly with V-Ray, but get a Corona scene or asset from somewhere else and you want to render without touching the original scene setup, this is useful.

      It is great that there is now initial support for CoronaMtl and materials from the library, however I imagined loading a Corona scene, would allow me to render the materials, however it just displays errors "Missing rendrer...." etc.
      This will be added later on.

      V-Ray/V-Ray GPU: Add a parameter for additional control of the auto-exposure (camera_autoExposure_compensation);
      It is only controllable from MaxScript (i.e. renderers.current.camera_autoExposure_compensation =0.5). I'm not comfortable exposing this option to the UI just yet, but it is there for those advanced users that might need it.

      oh and will there ever be a way to select white / black in the image, so that the auto exposure has something to go by becasue at the moment, it can vary wildly, from about right to crazy over exposed, al depending on the
      No, for the moment it is what it is; I don't want to make it more complicated than that with extra settings. The exposure slider in the VFB are always available if you want to do any additional adjustments. In the future, I would like to research some AI-based approach, similar to what is used in many mobile phones nowadays.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Thanks for the detailed explanation Vlado.

        So for now at least, we need to have a copy of Corona installed... ok. Of course the ability to render Corona assets without needed Corona to be installed would be. I have never been sent whole scenes, as I am the sole creator on al projects, but I do occasionally come across certain assets, that have been created with Corona, so would be great to be able to just import them into a V-Ray scene and not have to go through the additional steps of manually converting them, for V-Ray.. so I look forward to seeing that ability in the future.

        As for the AutoExposure compensation, as I have mentioned before, I really don't use AutoExposure or VFB image correction controls, except for experimentation. Being from a photographic background, I like to have as much control as possible, so prefer to render the scene along with various render elements and do the corrections/adjustments in Photoshop.. but as I've said before, that's how I work, while others like the fact they can make certain adjustments, within the VFB.


        • #5
          What is new with Optix 5.1 AI denoiser is keeping HDR and reducing memory by The SSIM predictor?

          OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


          • #6
            The OptiX denoiser works fine with HDR images. However we have not received any updates from NVidia regarding the memory usage. Hopefully they will release an official update soon.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              After installing the update of the edu version for 3ds max 2017, 3ds max won't open anymore, it crashes while starting up... :/ What could be the problem and is there a solution ? Thanks !

              EDIT: After manually uninstalling the previous version of Vray and installing the latest version, no more problems...
              Last edited by lucvw_1975; 12-10-2018, 01:31 PM.


              • #8
                Sadly I still have the square artifact bug witht adaptive domelight in 4.02.05. Please see attached image. I raised contrast and exposure quite a bit, so you can see it better.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	artifacts.JPG
Views:	702
Size:	179.7 KB
ID:	1014123


                • #9
                  Sadly I still have the square artifact bug witht adaptive domelight in 4.02.05. Please see attached image. I raised contrast and exposure quite a bit, so you can see it better.
                  Is it still happening with a recent nightly build?

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vlado View Post

                    Is it still happening with a recent nightly build?

                    Best regards,
                    Would love to try, but somehow our nightlies access has expired.


                    • #11
                      Can you email me with your login name for the download section and we'll sort it out?

                      Best regards,

                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vlado View Post
                        Can you email me with your login name for the download section and we'll sort it out?

                        Best regards,
                        Vlado, account details were sent to your mail. Thank you!

