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V-Ray for Rhino 1.0 Released

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  • V-Ray for Rhino 1.0 Released

    After about 12 months of development ASGVIS, LLC has released V-Ray for Rhino 1.0 today. Customers can make purchases at the ASGvis online store at or through official resellers of V-Ray for Rhino at The retail price for V-Ray for Rhino 1.0 is $799.00 USD. There is a free 30-day demo available at the ASGVIS online store.

    Please welcome new V-Ray for Rhino users at

    More information can be obtained at or e-mail

    Best regards,

    The ASGVIS Team
    Best regards,

    Corey Rubadue

    Chaos Group

  • #2
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


    • #3
      someone on the free section came under suspicion. the rhino users will need access to the forum as well i guess.

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        I wonder which version of vray they are getting for Rhino? If it's 1.5, I won't be a happy camper.


        • #5
          It's says the version is 1.49 something but it does not have the sun/sky, physical camera or any of the other stuff we don't have yet.

          If your curious you can download the Rhino Demo and the vray4rhino demo and have a go. Works very much like ours.
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            Thanks Jujubee!

            We are using the VRay Core 1.49.73 to be exact. But if you try the plugin you'll see there are things missing that we have had for V-Ray for 3ds max for a long time. For instance we have not implemented displacement, distributed rendering, spherical area light, motion blur, V-Ray geometry and fur, and etc.

            We will catch up to the features of 1.5. It's all a matter of time.


            This someone you are talking about....what did they come under suspicion for?
            Best regards,

            Corey Rubadue

            Chaos Group


            • #7

              without letting people know it was the rhino version his image came under suspicion due to the printed version number at the bottom. seems he doesnt have full forum access

              MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
              stupid questions the forum can answer.


              • #8
                I currently own two seats of Vray for Max and also own Rhino. Will it be possible in the future to buy just the translator plugin for Rhino? Is the Rhino version based on Vray stand alone?


                • #9
                  I'd like to know if it's possible to save materials between vray for max and vray for rhino then. That'd be nice.


                  • #10
                    Yes, Da_elf, there are a few new V-Ray for Rhino users around the Chaos Group forums. There are also a few VfR users that are around because they are also V-Ray for 3ds max customers. V-Ray for Rhino customers will get access to the Chaos Group forums.

                    @ Shane W,

                    Yes, we have made plans and implemented a translator plugin. The Rhino version is based on the V-Ray CORE and V-Ray SDK and does not use the standalone to render.

                    @ andrewjohn81,

                    There is no direct v-ray material import/export between Rhino and 3ds Max. However the materials that are made in V-Ray for Rhino do comply with the V-Ray stand alone.

                    Best regards,

                    Best regards,

                    Corey Rubadue

                    Chaos Group


                    • #11
                      What would be Really nice is if I could use my license for max and install vray for rhino. No way would I pay for both separately.
                      And it's distributed by a different company? That's strange. I don't like that at all.


                      • #12
                        currently there is also a v-ray for SketchUp available from asgvis, same engine/version as the v-ray for rhino. (exactly the same, gladly, because I have to go and teach 'em next week or so..)
                        Schoonheid vertroebeld de geest


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by andrewjohn81 View Post
                          What would be Really nice is if I could use my license for max and install vray for rhino. No way would I pay for both separately.
                          And it's distributed by a different company? That's strange. I don't like that at all.
                          V-Ray for Rhino and V-Ray for Sketchup are developed by ASGVis by licensing the V-Ray core from us. A lot of the efforts in creating these products goes into coding the particular connection to the host application rather than into developing the rendering engine itself. Same for 3ds Max - a large part of the effort goes into integrating V-Ray inside 3ds Max (e.g. work with the native 3ds Max interface/materials/lights etc), while the rendering engine itself is a relatively small part of the whole product. This is why the same V-Ray license cannot be used across multiple host applications.

                          Best regards,
                          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by vlado View Post
                            V-Ray for Rhino and V-Ray for Sketchup are developed by ASGVis by licensing the V-Ray core from us. A lot of the efforts in creating these products goes into coding the particular connection to the host application rather than into developing the rendering engine itself. Same for 3ds Max - a large part of the effort goes into integrating V-Ray inside 3ds Max (e.g. work with the native 3ds Max interface/materials/lights etc), while the rendering engine itself is a relatively small part of the whole product. This is why the same V-Ray license cannot be used across multiple host applications.

                            Best regards,
                            As for the licensing part, isn't this contradictory to how vray for max and maya both share the license and access the same license server?
                            This should also be true for any other vray version.
                            Does one buy the extra license from Chaosgroup, or the plugin developer (ASGVis in this case)?
                            Signing out,


                            • #15
                              V-Ray for 3ds Max and Maya do not share the same license currently.

                              V-Ray for Rhino comes bundled with a V-Ray license for itself - the licensing is done completely by ASGVis.

                              Best regards,
                              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

