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RPC people walking on the spot with Vray.

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  • RPC people walking on the spot with Vray.

    Hi Guys,

    I've got a problem where my RPC people are walking on the spot when I use them with Vray. If I switch back to the scanline they move along the path. With Vray they stay in one position.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    I have emailed Archvision for an answer, but if anyone already knows I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.


    NOTE: my ACM is not installed properly becaused I have just upgraded my machine. This may be connected, but I don't know.

    Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?

  • #2
    hmm this was one of the things fixed in .13 I think...

    which version are you using?


    • #3
      It's RPC plugin version 3.7

      I am running ACM. (I still havn't got my head around this yet)

      I think it is linked to this error.....

      Any suggestions are very welcome.

      EDIT : That wasn't the question was it? You wanted to know what Vray version I have running.

      It's Vray Adv. 1.09.03r

      Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


      • #4
        Hi Saulman,

        I think Paul was refering to VRay version 1.46.13, not what RPC version you're using.

        He's right, according to the 'what's new / bug fixes' section the RPC problem was fixed in 1.46.12. However I wouldn't advise you to change versions mid project, espesially a leap from 1.09 to 1.46. There's a bit of a learning curve with the new versions.

        Dan Brew


        • #5
          Would you believe that I've just finished installing the updated version?

          Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


          • #6
            OK guys. I'm getting really stressed out here.

            I've just upgraded and not there's no rendering at all. It is saying that my Vray licenses are already engaged.

            Is there a simple way around this problem?

            Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


            • #7
              It's just that VRay is a quickly evolving program and there have been a number of significant changes between 1.09 and 1.46. There are a million and one threads on this forum regarding the differences between the two versions.

              It depends on the complexity of your project but if it involves animation or complex materials I think you will find it difficult to change mid project.

              For what it's worth, I find 1.46 vastly superior to 1.09, 1.09 wasn't a bad product but 1.46 is a much more complete package and with the right settings its faster and more controllable. Definitely worth making the change when you can.

              EDIT this was meant to go before your last post.
              Dan Brew


              • #8
                Have you applied for a new licence to use with the VRLServer program?
                Dan Brew


                • #9
                  I have upgraded already. I did it before I got your post.

                  I have now got this error when I try to render.......

                  Would you suggest uninstalling 1.46 and re-installing 1.09? Now I am really confused.

                  I think I would like to see if I can get 1.46 running. Do I need a new license?

                  Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                  • #10
                    Yes, you need to put the IP address of the machine you are going to run the licence server (VRLserver.exe) into the dialogue box, press save then close and reopen max. You should then get a code which you must email to Choas to get a new licence code. A bit like the way Max licences itself.
                    Dan Brew


                    • #11
                      Oh Dear. I really didn't want to hear that. That takes upto 48 hours doesn't it?

                      Is there any way to get this back up and running before the end of the day?

                      Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                      • #12
                        It took only a couple of hours for me, depends how busy they are I guess.

                        But to go back to your earlier question. I think that if you try to change versions mid project, you're going to cause yourself a lot of stress. So, yes, I do think you should go back to 1.09 untill your project is finished.

                        Like I said before I think 1.46 is fantastic but I would start using it on a small job that just requires a few stills. You need to re-make all your materials for a start and get used to the new settings.

                        Sorry to be so pessimistic....
                        Dan Brew


                        • #13
                          Cheers Dan. Thanks for the advice.

                          I would be grateful if you could keep an eye on this board for me. I may have problems getting the old version back on.

                          I'll let you know how I get on.

                          I did not need this today. This is for a major job for a MAJOR client.

                          Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                          • #14
                            OK. I'm back on. V 1.09. Phew!

                            So. What do I do about these people? Just take them out?

                            Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?


                            • #15
                              I guess so, that or use Billy Jean as your background music and tell your client it's Michael Jackson and he's moonwalking....
                              Dan Brew

