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Render vs Post....whats your take?

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  • #16
    Tbh I think you've got the colour in a good spot but your scale is a bit messed up, mainly down to that depth / focus / murkiness thing. In after effects you'd take your comp, put that into another comp and duplicate it 5 times. Each of the comps above would get a larger blur going up in steps and you'd use the depth channel of your render as a luminance mask for each of the blurred layers. You'd turn down the opacity of each layer fairly heavily too so maybe try something like box blur first for speed unless afx has some gpu accelerated blurs there now. Some glows are going to help a lot too!


    • #17
      Yeah, thanks for the input, I´m gonna have another go at the comp when I´m done with the other shots.
      But in the end I´m afraid its just the scene composition thats not working quite right... for the volcano being the center of the shot its way too far in the distance of the scene to make the murkiness really work like it should.


      • #18
        Also I´m back to environment+DoF in render for one shot, because I can´t find a way to correctly comp the phoenix smoke element with the atmospheric effects...I only get a matte pass of it when rendering in geometric mode, but then the transparencies are wrong, but thats gettin a bit off topic.

