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Translucent shader or Backlight plugin for VRay!?

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  • Translucent shader or Backlight plugin for VRay!?

    I really think something like translucent shader or Backlight plugin would be very usefull in Vray namely for leaves in trees.
    I'm willing to give a try in creating a shader for this so...
    Can you give me some pointers Vlado?
    Is this simple enought for an amateur?
    Can I do this in max sdk or must I use Vray sdk?

    Here's a link to a previous post on this

  • #2
    Can I ask for a feedback on this! Please!!!


    • #3
      unless you know maxscript at least, and probably some c++ you arent going to be able to write any kind of plugin... if it was easy enough for an amateur to do, we'd be drowning in plugins!

      id imagine a fairly detailed knowledge of light transport theory and the inner workings of vray would be quite helpful too if you want to do that specifically...

      i think thats why no one replies, because to ask if its possible for a non-programmer (which i assume you are) to program something, then ask for advice how to, is maybe asking a bit much!

      you can try playing with the doublesided material in max... if you put the same vray material on both sides and turn up the translucency setting, you can get shadows cast on one side to show on the other, which works quite well for leaves and things...


      • #4
        I think there was a plugin that does this already?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hello Vlado.
          Are you sure it's not the "backlight" plugin?

          It's the only one I can find.
          I saw some posts saying it works in VRay but I really don't think it does, at least after 1.09
          This plugin does exactly what I need but there must be some issues that prevent it to work in Vray. Could you check this please? I'm not that new to Vray but maybe I'm missing something.
          The link above is to a post regarding this issue. The work arround presented there (using the way Vray handles 1 sided materials) isn't really an option because you have no control and it depends on the face normal.
          Please check this! I really think it's a usefull plugin and definetly a plus to Vray.
          If you find that there's really no working plugin could you evaluate my request for some guidence in creating one and eventualy access to the shader SDK.
          Thanks again

          PS:Sorry "super gnu"! I missed you post when writing this one
          Well...I have some experience in maxscript and c++ so I consider myself an amateur but not really new to it.
          The reason I'm willing to try it is because it's really just a fake translucency so I guess it would be much simpler.
          Another thing is that I'm interested in learning some of this stuff so I think this could help me as an objective.
          The guidence I'm seeking is mainly for evaluating the possibility, the dificult and eather it could be done in the max SDK or if Vray SDK would be needed.
          I ask this because there is already a plugin that doesn't work in Vray.
          Well...If next version of Vray would interact efficiently with it would be great but...That's really included in the guidence I need for now.


          • #6
            yes something of this sort would be great. Have also tried to get the backlight plugin to work with vray and have had mixed results. Mainly would like a plugin that will mix between 2 maps on a back side of a plane based upon the amount of light that hits the front side. Essential for creating nice leaves without actually using render intensive SSS.

            Separate controls for GI light and Direct light would be awesome. If only I could code myself.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

