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Maxscript commands for setting Frame Buffer Path and Progressive Render Time (min)

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  • Maxscript commands for setting Frame Buffer Path and Progressive Render Time (min)

    Are there maxscript commands for these two things? I looked on the help but maybe I missed it or just don't get it. Thanks for any help!

    Best Regards,

  • #2
    -- assign vr as a shortcut to whatever renderer is assigned (better be vray or else errors!)
    vr = renderers.current
    -- set the render time in minutes
    vr.progressive_max_render_time = 2 
    -- turn on saving raw files form the buffer
    vr.output_saveRawFile = on
    -- set your file output path, if you're using normal paths remember to double up on your slashes or maxscript freaks out
    vr.output_rawFileName = "c:\\test.exr"
    so the main thing is to do "vr = renderers.current" to start off with and then if you use "showproperties vr" then maxscript will print out every property you can adjust!


    • #3
      Oh man! This is great, thank you so much!


      • #4
        That showproperties thing works for anything btw, like if you've got any object selected in your scene you can use "showproperties $" and you'll get a similar list of things you can do to that object. "$" represents "whatever I have selected" so if you've got more than one object it might get confused!


        • #5
          The showproperties vr is a great command, thank you very much for that tidbit. That is super helpful. I could have really used that in my previous endeavors. Thanks again.

