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Problem with Vray DR

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  • Problem with Vray DR

    Hi all,

    Bit of help please, i have set up vray DR with my spare machine now (only slave renders not host) i got it to properly work once or twice but now im stuck again.
    I have spawner up on my slave in task manager to keep track of it and when I hit render it can see its being sent something (network usage goes super high) however the the cpu usage still stays at 0.

    On the Host machine it says rendering but nothing happens the timer keeps going but no rendering is happening. I have pointed the slave to the render host's IP address and let it through the firewall.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    You can check if:

    - Ports 20204 and 30304 TCP are allowed for communication between your computers.
    - The license settings are correctly set on all slave computers -
    - You have the same 3dsMax and V-Ray versions (build) installed on the slave computers and the workstation.

    If you still cannot render with DR try to telnet from the workstation to the render farm machine using port 20204 in Command Prompt (Start button ->All Programs-> Accessories-> Command Prompt) in the following way: telnet x.x.x.x 20204 where x.x.x.x is the IP of the destination computer.
    If you don’t have telnet installed, you can install it from Control Panel->Programs and Features-> Click on “Turn Windows features on or off”->Telnet Client
    If the spawner is running correctly and no firewall is enabled a successful connection should be established (blank black window in CMD, no error message).

    If you can’t establish telnet connection please execute the following commands in Command Prompt (Start button ->All Programs-> Accessories-> Command Prompt) on one of the nodes and send us the output files at

    netstat -ano>netstat.txt (will create the file in the folder you are currently in CMD, you can specify full path)
    net start>netstart.txt
    Also - send the vraylog.txt file from the main Workstation and from one of the render nodes - it's located in %TEMP% folder in Windows.
    Ivan Slavchev


    Chaos Group

