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gamma alteration in framebuffer wont net render

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  • gamma alteration in framebuffer wont net render

    I have used this Tut and I cannot get the frame buffer to network render with the altered gamma settings. It renders with the default settings, without the new curve applied. Also If I render without the vray frame buffer with max gamma turned on and apply that gamma setting when I save doesnt that do what this tutuorial is doing?

    Puzzled of puzzletown

  • #2
    yes, as it was mentioned in this thread, vray does not "burn in" the curve, which is how you should want it to behave. That way you can do your post work (color and gama correction, etc) in linear mode. The way I see it (perhaps I am wrong) The VFB correction just gives you a "preview" of what you will see if you correct it in post.

    For example, you can do the exact same gama correction to your files in combustion, and it will look the same. or you may not have to because you have already done a correct gamma correction profile in your compositing software.

    The Revitlution


    • #3
      The other thing is I am rendering large images and the frame buffer crashes above approx 2000 pixels across so I cant render any gbuffer stuff boo hoo. I need to render 4000 across.


      • #4
        the [V-Ray] frame buffer crashes above approx 2000 pixels across so I cant render any gbuffer stuff
        Is this true? I'm chasing my tail on how to get the G-Buffer channels to render out such that I can recompose them in Photoshop. I've got them rendering in a 1024x768 test scene, works great, but I have to use the V-Ray frame buffer to render them.

        Aside from invisiblecities' problem of the frame buffer crashing over 2000 pixels (is this true? that can't seriously be true...), max crashes to a halt somewhere in the middle of calc'ing the light cache for my image, so I've had to render it using backburner render stripes. Vlado suggested that turning off "Show calc phase" for the light cache should fix the crashing, but it didn't make a difference.

        If it's true about the V-Ray frame buffer size limitation (I'm sorry I haven't confirmed this myself, it will take an overnight render for me to confirm and I only have one night left to test with) then I would need to work around that and my light cache problem. Unless backburner can render the g-buffer elements in stripe mode and recompile them at the end? I'm not holding my breath.

        And what about the .vrimage format? That seems like a logical possible solution to ease the load. But there's nothing of any significance I can find in the online manual, and one thread on here is saying that we won't have a way to recompile it into a standard image format until 1.5 final?

        I have to render tomorrow night, so I'm running out of time pretty quickly. This is a huge job for me to handle, I'd really like to have my g-buffer elements for this image in my post work over the weekend.

        Thanks guys. Sorry this is so discombobulated -- I'm a little exascerbated after getting this far through reading messageboard threads and the VRay manual for the past couple hours.



        • #5
          I have found that the G-Buffer doesn't render layers @ large resolution ie 4000x3000 (don't know the cut off size).

          A work around for example with a shadow layer is to render it at a smaller res then scale up with a program like Genuine Fractal - not ideal but provides a temporary solution for layers that aren't critically obvious.

          1.5 is slow in coming but, I would rather have it working than full of bugs.

