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LC and V-Ray Scene Intelligence

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  • LC and V-Ray Scene Intelligence

    just out of interest: Does V-Ray Scene Intelligence profit from more LC samples?
    So let's say you've got a super complex Scene.. A forest full of light-chains at night f.e.
    Will the scene possibly render faster with 2000 LC subdivisions than with 1000 due to more information is handed over to the AI?
    German guy, sorry for my English.

  • #2
    In my testing, I have seen that using 2k to 3k LC subdivs for GI intensive interiors, this makes huge difference in render time specially using the adaptive domelight..You will see a big difference in sample rate render element, where less areas are red.
    For exterior scenes I don't go above 2k, usually 1500 for most scenes and default of 1k subdivs for simple scenes. In my testing, using higher LC subdivs for exterior scenes doesn't offer anything
    Many things in Vray rely heavily on LC, including adaptive domelight, adaptive lights(only on CPU), Auto exposure/white Balance and probably other things, but I don't know exactly how things work under the hood
    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #3
      If there are not enough light cache subdivs, some light sources might be missed later on during the final rendering. For V-Ray Next Update 2, we have improved this situation quite a bit though, as well as made the light cache calculation phase quite a bit faster. I'm actually looking for people to test this for me, so if you are interested, email me to

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        If there are not enough light cache subdivs, some light sources might be missed later on during the final rendering. For V-Ray Next Update 2, we have improved this situation quite a bit though, as well as made the light cache calculation phase quite a bit faster. I'm actually looking for people to test this for me, so if you are interested, email me to

        Best regards,
        Is IPR also going to benefit from the faster light cache calculation?

