i was moaning yesterday that despite finalrender having a system to deform shadows based on bump mapping circa 15 years ago, it has never been implemented in vray.. then i noticed that, according to the help files, Maya has a "bump shadow" setting in the vraybumpmtl, which appears to do exactly that.
i was very excited and checked the max help files. doesnt seem the option is present in the max bump mtl.?!
i read on a thread that it can be problematic with max procedurals, and sometimes gives unexpected results.. so is not included i the vraymtl. however, surely an optional tickbox would be a nice idea? if it causes problems.. untick?
im doing low res normal mapped people, and the only thing letting them down is the nasty straight shadows.across the nice normal mapped surface.
id be very happy to hear it can be enabled via maxscript or something... oh, and that it works on gpu too
i was very excited and checked the max help files. doesnt seem the option is present in the max bump mtl.?!
i read on a thread that it can be problematic with max procedurals, and sometimes gives unexpected results.. so is not included i the vraymtl. however, surely an optional tickbox would be a nice idea? if it causes problems.. untick?
im doing low res normal mapped people, and the only thing letting them down is the nasty straight shadows.across the nice normal mapped surface.
id be very happy to hear it can be enabled via maxscript or something... oh, and that it works on gpu too
