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composing light select passes, doesn't give same result as RGB beauty

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  • composing light select passes, doesn't give same result as RGB beauty

    Hi there

    Am doing some testing for the animation compositing and am noticing some unexpected results.

    So, if i have light select of 'full' mode, it should contain all the info that light is contributing to.

    I have like this HDRI in 3 light select render elemets : Full, direct, and indirect.

    When i compose 'direct' and 'indirect' i get same result and 'full'. But this is in neither case same as RGB.
    It seems like reflections from HDRI are missing, but i am not sure.

    Could somebody pls elaborate with me on this ?
    There is of course chance i am not doing something correctly, but am curious what that would be.

    Thanks !

  • #2
    I found the issue, in case somebody would be interested.

    I had window glass, that was having disabled 'visible to GI' setting and this was not doing the difference between RGB beauty pass and HDRI light select.
    (i tried to use only hdri, to find the problem)

    I don't know exactly why this GI contribution was not into light select pass, but at least i found it.

